Best Coaching Classes in Pune for B.B.A. - Computer Application (CA)

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B.B.A - C.A Course Overview

Best Coaching Classes in Pune for B.B.A. - Computer Application (CA)

Unlock a world of opportunity with the B.B.A – C.A Course. Designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various Computer Applications and Programming Languages, this course equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the dynamic world of Computer Applications.

B.B.A-CA course combines the foundations of computer applications with concepts from computer hardware and software, database management, operating systems, data structures, algorithms, web development, and mobile application development. It aims to provide students with a firm foundation in the most recent industry-standard software and tools.

The curriculum for this BBA CA coaching is designed to give students hands-on experience with the most recent business-related computer programmes and programming languages, including C, Java, Python, C++, and SQL. This course teaches students to master computer programmes and programming languages, opening them to a wide range of career prospects in a variety of sectors.

Completing this course will help you:


PRO IT Academy is one of the best institutions that offers BBA CA coaching. For your BBA CA coaching, you should choose Pro IT Academy for the reasons listed below:

Experienced Faculty: PRO IT Academy has a team of highly experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. They have years of experience in teaching and industry, which allows them to offer a practical and real-world perspective to their students.

Industry-Oriented Training: The course curriculum at PRO IT Academy is designed to align with the current industry demands and trends. The training programs are focused on providing students with the practical knowledge and skills required to succeed in the industry.

State-of-the-art Infrastructure: PRO IT Academy has state-of-the-art infrastructure that includes well-equipped computer labs, multimedia classrooms, and a well-stocked library. The institute also provides access to the latest software and tools, giving students the opportunity to work on real-time projects and gain practical experience.

Personalized Attention: PRO IT Academy is committed to providing personalized attention to each student. To guarantee that each student receives individualised attention from the trainer professionals, the batch sizes are kept small. The institute also holds regular one-on-one sessions with students to address their doubts and queries.

Mock Tests and Assessments:

At PRO IT Academy, we believe that regular assessments are crucial to track a student’s progress and identify areas for improvement. We therefore often conduct assessments and mock exams to aid students in gaining confidence and preparing for interviews.

Our training specialists provide feedback and suggestions to help students perform better and overcome their weaknesses. These mock tests help students prepare for interviews by helping them become more accustomed to their format and structure.

Placement Assistance: PRO IT Academy offers placement assistance to its students. The institute includes a dedicated placement section that collaborates with leading companies in the field to identify job openings and support students in finding employment. Students are also provided with resume building and interview preparation guidance.


In conclusion, at PRO IT Academy, we believe in providing the best coaching and training to our students to help them succeed in their careers. Our BBA CA classes in Pune is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the rapidly evolving world of IT. With a focus on practical BBA CA coaching and hands-on experience, our course ensures that students are job-ready upon completion. 

If you have recently passed out of 12th class or have taken a study gap and are asking “Where can I find BBA coaching classes near me?“, look no further than PRO IT Academy. Our BBA course in Pune is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in Programming Languages, Web Development, Database Management and other key areas of Computer Applications. Our experienced faculty, industry-relevant curriculum, and practical training ensure that our students are well-prepared to succeed in their careers.

Do you think getting trained in such a way to apply for these jobs?

Future Scope of B.B.A - C.A

BBA-CA course offers a wide range of career opportunities in various sectors such as Software Development, Information Technology, Mobile Application Development, Database Management, Web Development and Cybersecurity. After completing this BBA-CA course, students can work as Software Developers, Database Administrators, Web Developers, Application Developers, System Analysts, Cybersecurity professionals, and many mores.

Professionals in Computer Applications are in greater demand than ever, and this trend is expected to continue long into the future. And this BBA-CA course opens up numerous career opportunities for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of Computer Applications.

Completing This Course Will Help You:


  • Learn the newest software development techniques and tools, as well as computer programming languages including Java, Python, C++, and others.
  • Build a strong base in computer science and obtain a comprehensive understanding of networking, software, and hardware.
  • Improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create top-notch software solutions.
  • Increase your work opportunities and earning potential in the rapidly growing IT industry, which has a high need for graduates with a background in computer applications.
  • Pursue a master’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related discipline and continue your study.
  • As an entrepreneur, launch your own software or technology-based business.
  • Gain the skills and knowledge required to work in a range of job roles, such as Software Developer, Systems Analyst, Network Administrator, Database Administrator, and more.
  • Keep up with the latest technological advancements and be prepared for a career that is continuously evolving and growing.

    Completing the BBA Coaching at PRO IT Academy can help you in various ways, both personally and professionally, and equip you with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the IT industry

Coaching Offered

Do you want to become eligible for these jobs?

course structure


C-Programming:CA -103

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


UNIT I                     Introduction to C language

1.1 History

1.2 Basic structure of C Programming

1.3 Language fundamentals

1.3.1 Character set, tokens

1.3.2 Keywords and identifiers

1.3.3 Variables and data types

1.4 Operators

1.4.1 Types of operators

1.4.2 Precedence and associativity

1.4.3 Expression

UNIT II                 Managing I/O operations

2.1 Console based I/O and related built-in I/O functions

2.1.1 printf(), scanf()

2.1.2 getch(), getchar()

2.2 Formatted input and formatted output

UNIT III              Decision Making and looping

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Decision making structure

3.2.1 If statement

3.2.2 If-else statement

3.2.3 Nested if-else statement

3.2.4 Conditional operator

3.2.5 Switch statement

3.3 Loop control structures

3.3.1 while loop

3.3.2 Do-while loop

3.3.3 For loop

3.3.4 Nested for loop

3.4 Jump statements

3.4.1 break

3.4.2 continue

3.4.3 goto

3.4.4 exit

UNIT IV               Programs through conditional and looping statements

4.1 Addition / Multiplication of integers

4.2 Determining if a number is +ve / -ve / even / odd

4.3 Maximum of 2 numbers, 3 numbers

4.4 Sum of first n numbers, given n numbers

4.5 Integer division, Digit reversing, Table generation for n, ab

4.6 Factorial, sine series, cosine series, nCr , Pascal Triangle

4.7 Prime number, Factors of a number

UNIT V                  Arrays and Strings

5.1 Introduction to one-dimensional Array

5.1.1 Definition

5.1.2 Declaration

5.1.3 Initialization

5.2 Accessing and displaying array elements

5.3 Finding smallest and largest number from array

5.4 Reversing array

5.5 Finding odd/even/prime number from array

5.4 Introduction to two-dimensional Array

5.4.1 Definition

5.4.2 Declaration

5.4.3 Initialization

5.5 Accessing and displaying array elements

5.6 Matrices: Addition, Multiplication, Transpose, Symmetry, upper/lower triangular

5.7 Introductions to Strings

5.7.1 Definition

5.7.2 Declaration

5.7.3 Initialization

5.8 Standard library functions

5.9 Implementations without standard library functions.

UNIT VI               Functions

6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 Purpose of function

6.1.2 Function definition

6.1.3 Function declaration

6.1.4 Function call

6.2 Types of functions

6.3 Call by value and call by reference

6.4 Storage classes

UNIT VII           Introduction to pointer

7.1 Definition

7.2 Declaration

7.3 Initialization

7.4 Indirection operator and address of operator

7.5 Pointer arithmetic

7.6 Dynamic memory allocation

7.7 Functions and pointers

UNIT VIII        Structures

8.1 Introduction to structure

8.2 Definition

8.3 Declaration

8.4 Accessing members

8.5 structure operations

8.6 nested structure


 Database Management Systems: CA –104

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


UNIT I                     File Structure and Organization

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Logical and Physical Files

1.2.1 File

1.2.2 File Structure

1.2.3 Logical and Physical Files Definitions

1.3 Basic File Operations

1.3.1 Opening Files

1.3.2 Closing Files

1.3.3 Reading and Writing

1.3.4 Seeking

1.4 File Organization

1.4.1 Field and Record structure in file

1.4.2 Record Types

1.4.3 Types of file organization Sequential Indexed Hashed

1.5 Indexing

1.5.1 What is an Index?

1.5.2 When to use Indexes?

1.5.3 Types of Index Dense Index Sparse Index

UNIT II                 Database Management System

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Basic Concept and Definitions

2.2.1 Data and Information

2.2.2 Data Vs Information

2.2.3 Data Dictionary

2.2.4 Data Item or Field

2.2.5 Record

2.3 Definition of DBMS

2.4 Applications of DBMS

2.5 File processing system Vs DBMS

2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS

2.7 Users of DBMS

2.7.1 Database Designers

2.7.2 Application programmer

2.7.3 Sophisticated Users

2.7.4 End Users

2.8 Views of Data

2.9 Data Models

2.9.1 Object Based Logical Model

a. Object Oriented Data Model

b. Entity Relationship Data Model

2.9.2 Record Base Logical Model

a. Relational Model

b. Network Model

c. Hierarchical Model

2.10 Entity Relationship Diagram(ERD)

2.11 Extended features of ERD

2.12 Overall System structure

UNIT III              Relational Model

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Terms

a. Relation

b. Tuple

c. Attribute

d. Cordinality

e. Degree of relationship set

f. Domain

3.3 Keys

3.3.1 Super Key

3.3.2 Candidate Key

3.3.3 Primary Key

3.3.4 Foreign Key

3.4 Relational Algebra Operations

a. Select

b. Project

c. Union

d. Difference

e. Intersection

f. Cartesian Product

g. Natural Join

UNIT IV               SQL (Structured Query Language)

4.1 Introduction

4.2 History Of SQL

4.3 Basic Structure

4.4 DDL Commands

4.5 DML Commands

4.6 Simple Queries

4.7 Nested Queries

4.8 Aggregate Functions

UNIT V                  Relational Database Design

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Anomalies of un normalized database

5.3 Normalization

5.4 Normal Form

5.4.1 1 NF

5.4.2 2 NF

5.4.3 3 NF BCNF


Relational Data Base:CA – 204

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Enables students to understand relational database concepts and transaction management concepts in database system.

·         ii) Enables student to write PL/SQL programs that use: procedure, function, package, cursor and trigger.


UNIT I                     1. IntroductionTo RDBMS

Introduction to popular RDBMS product and theirfeatures

Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

To understand advantages of RDBMS over DBMS

Relationship among application programs and RDBMS

UNIT II                  PL-SQL

Overview of PLSQLData Types ,PLSQL Block

Exception Handling

Functions, Procedures To understand concept of compact program writing by making use of

functions and procedure


UNIT III              TransactionManagement.

Transaction Concept To understand effect of transaction process on database

Understanding use of transaction and effect on database

Transaction Properties To understand properties like atomicity, consistency, isolation and


Applicationof properties (Case solving)

Transaction States To understand various states such as active, partially committed, Failed ,

aborted, committed

Understanding of various states

Concurrent Execution To understand concept of reduction in waiting time

Serializability To understand Serializability andView SerializabilityConflict

UNIT IV                ConcurrencyControl &RecoverySystem

Lock Based Protocol

Timestamp Based Protocol

Deadlock Handling

Failure Classification

Recovery & Atomicity

Recovery with concurrent transaction



Web Technology: CA – 205

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         To know & understand concepts of internet programming.

·         To understand how to develop web based applications using JavaScript.

·         Unit No Topic No. of Lecture

UNIT I                     Introduction

1.1 Clients- Servers and Communication

1.2 Internet-Basic, Internet Protocols (HTTP, FTP, IP)

1.3 World Wide Web(WWW)

1.4 HTTP request message, HTTP response message

UNIT II                 Web Design

2.1 Concepts of effective web design

2.2 Web design issues including Browser

Bandwidth and Cache

2.3 Display resolution

2.4 Look and Feel of the Website

2.5 Page Layout and linking

2.6 User centric design

2.7 Sitemap

2.8 Planning and publishing website

2.9 Designing effective navigation

UNIT III              HTML

3.1 Introduction to HTML

3.2 Basic HTML Structure

3.3 Common HTML Tags

3.4 Physical and Logical HTML

3.5 Types of Images, client side and server-side Imagemapping

3.6 List, Table, Frames

3.7 Embedding Audio, Video

3.8 HTML form and form elements

3.9 Introduction to HTML Front Page

UNIT IV               Style sheets

4.1 Need for CSS

4.2 Introduction to CSS

4.3 Basic syntax and structure

4.4 Using CSS4.4.1 background images, colors and properties,

4.4.2 manipulating texts, using fonts, borders and

boxes, margins, padding lists, positioningusing CSS

4.5 Overview and features of CSS2 and CSS3

UNIT V                  JavaScript

5.1 Introduction to Java Script

5.2 Identifier & operator, control structure, functions

5.3 Document object model(DOM),

5.4 DOM Objects (window, navigator, history, location)

5.5 Predefined functions, math & string functions

5.6 Array in Java scripts

5.7 Event handling in Java script



Data Structure:CA-302

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         To understand the concepts of ADTs

·         To learn linear data structures – lists, stacks, and queues

·         To understand sorting, searching and hashing algorithms

·         To apply Tree and Graph structures


UNIT I                     Basic Concept and Introduction to Data Structure

1.1 Pointers and dynamic memory allocation

1.2 Algorithm-Definition and characteristics

1.3 Algorithm Analysis -Space Complexity -Time Complexity -Asymptotic Notation Introduction to Data structure

1.4 Types of Data structure

1.5 Abstract Data Types (ADT) Introduction to Arrays and Structure

1.6 Types of array and Representation of array

1.7 Polynomial – Polynomial Representation – Evaluation of Polynomial- Addition of Polynomial

1.8 Self Referential Structure.

UNIT II                  Linear data structures

2.1 Introduction to Arrays – array representation

2.2 Sorting algorithms with efficiency

– Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick Sort, Selection Sort

2.3 Searching techniques –Linear Search, Binary search

UNIT III              Linked List.

3.1 Introduction to Linked List

3.2 Implementation of Linked List – Static & Dynamic representation,

3.3 Types of Linked List

 – Singly Linked list(All type of operation)

 – Doubly Linked list (Create , Display)

 – Circularly Singly Linked list (Create, Display)

 – Circularly Doubly Linked list (Create, Display)

3.4 Generalized linked list – Concept and Representation

UNIT IV                Stack

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Representation- Static & Dynamic

4.3 Primitive Operations on stack

4.4 Application of Stack

4.5 Conversion of Infix, prefix, postfix , Evaluation of postfix andPrefix

UNIT V                   Queue

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Representation – Static & Dynamic

5.3 Primitive Operations on Queue

5.4 Circular queue, priority queue

5.5 Concept of doubly ended queue

UNIT VI                Trees

6.1 Concept & Terminologies

6.2 Binary tree, binary search tree

6.3 Representation – Static and Dynamic

6.4 Operations on BT and BST – create, Insert, delete, , counting leaf,non-leaf & total nodes ,

6.5 Tree Traversals (preorder, inorder, postorder)

6.6 Application – Heap sort

6.7 Height balanced tree- AVL trees- Rotations, AVL tree examples.

UNIT VII            Graph

7.1 Concept & terminologies

7.2 Graph Representation – Adjacency matrix, adjacency list, inverseAdjacency list, adjacency multilist, orthogonal list

7.3 Degree of Graph

7.4 Traversals – BFS and DFS

7.5 Applications – AOV network – topological sort, AOE network –criticalPath


Software Engineering: CA-303

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         To understand System concepts.

·         To understand Software Engineering concepts.

·         To understand the applications of Software Engineering concepts and Design in Software Development


UNIT I                     Introduction to System Concepts

1.1 Definition

1.2 Basic Components

1.3 Elements of the System

1.4 Types of System

1.5 System Characteristics

UNIT II                 Introduction to Software Engineering

2.1 Definition of Software

2.2 Characteristics of Software

2.3 Definition of Software Engineering

2.4 Need for Software Engineering

2.5 Mc Call’s Quality factors

2.6 The Software Process

2.7 Software Product and Process

2.8 V& V Model

UNIT III              Software Development Life Cycle

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Activities of SDLC

3.3 A Generic Process Model

3.4 SDLC

3.5 Waterfall Model

3.6 Incremental Process Models

3.7 Prototyping Model

3.8 Spiral Model

UNIT IV               Requirement Engineering

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Requirement Elicitation

 4.3Requirement Elaboration

4.4 Requirement Gathering

4.5 Feasibility study

4.6 Fact Finding Techniques

4.7 SRS Format

UNIT V                  Analysis And Design Tools

5.1 Decision Tree and Decision Table

5.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) (Up to 2nd level)

5.3 Data Dictionary

5.4 Elements of DD

5.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of DD

5.6 Input and Output Design

5.7 Structured Design Concepts

5.8 Structure Chart

5.9 Coupling and Cohesion

5.10 Compulsory Case Studies on above topics

UNIT VI               Software Testing

6.1 Definition

6.2 Software testing Process

6.3 Unit Testing

6.4 Integration Testing

6.5 System Testing

UNIT VII           Software Maintenance and Software Re-Engineering

7.1 Maintenance definition and types

7.2 Software reengineering

7.3 Reverse Engineering

7.4 Restructuring and forward Engineering.


Angular – JS: CA- 304 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         By the end of this course, the students should be able to Understand Client Side MVC andSPA

·         Explore AngularJS Component

·         Develop an AngularJS Single Page Application

·         Create and bind controllers with Javascript

·         Apply filter in AngularJS application

UNIT I                     AngularJS Core Concepts

1.1 What is AngularJS?

1.2 Difference between Javasript and Angular JS

1.3 Advantages of Angular

1.4 AngularJS MVC Architecture

1.5 Introduction to SPA

1.6 Setting up the environment

1.7 First App using MVC architecture

UNIT II                 AngularJS Directives and Expressions

2.1 Understanding ng attributes

ng-app, ng-init, ng-model, ng-controller, ng-bind,

ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-readonly, ng-disabled,

ng-if, ng-click

2.2 Expression and Data Binding

2.3 Working with directives

UNIT III              AngularJS Modules, Controller, View and Scope

3.1 Angular Modules

3.2 Angular Controller

3.3 Angular View

3.4 Scope hierarchy

UNIT IV               Filter, Forms and Ajax Filters

4.1 Built-in filters

 – upper case and lower case filters, date ,currency and

 number formatting ,orderBy, filter ,custom filter,

4.2 Angular JS Forms

 – Working with AngularJS forms, model binding,

4.3 Ajax implementation using $http

UNIT V                  Dependency Injection, Services

5.1 What is dependency injection?

5.2 Understanding services

5.3 Using built-in service

5.4 Creating custom service,

5.5 Injecting dependency in service

PHP: CA- 304 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Understand how server-side programming works on the web.

·         Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions

·         Understanding POST and GET in form submission.

·         How to receive and process form submission data.

·         Read and process data in a MySQL database.

UNIT I                     PHP Basics

1.1 Setting up a development environment

1.2 Variables, numbers and strings

1.3 Calculations with PHP

1.4 Using Arrays

UNIT II                 Control Structures and Loops

2.1 Conditional Statements

2.2 Using Loops for Repetitive tasks

2.3 Combing Loops and Arrays

UNIT III              Functions, Objects and Errors

3.1 PHP’s Built-in functions

3.2 Creating Custom functions

3.3 Passing Values by Reference

3.4 Understanding Objects

UNIT IV               Working with Forms

4.1 Building a Form

4.2 Processing a Form’s Data

4.3 Differences between POST and GET

4.4 Preserving User Input

UNIT V                  More with Forms

5.1 Dealing with checkboxes and radiobuttons

5.2 Retrieving values from lists

5.3 Validating and restricting data

5.4 Sending Email

UNIT VI               Storing and Protecting Data

6.1 Setting and Reading Cookies

6.2 Protecting Online Files

6.3 Understanding Session Variables

UNIT VII           MySQL Database Overview

7.1 phpMyAdmin Overview

7.2 Using a MySQL Database

7.3 Reading and Writing Data


Big Data: CA- 305 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         To enable learners to develop expert knowledge and analytical skills in current anddeveloping areas of analysis statistics, and machine learning

·         To enable the learner to identify, develop and apply detailed analytical, creative, problemsolving skills.

·         3. Provide the learner with a comprehensive platform for career development, innovationand further study.

UNIT I                     Introduction to big data

1.1 Introduction to Big Data

1.2 Types of Digital Data

1.3 Big Data Analytics

1.4 Application of Big data

UNIT II                 Introduction to data science

2.1 Basics of Data Analytics

2.2 Types of Analytics –

2.2.1 Descriptive,

2.2.2 Predictive,

2.2.3 Prescriptive

2.2.4 Statistical Inference

2.3 Populations and samples

2.3.1 Statistical modelling,

2.3.2 Probability

2.3.3 Distribution

2.3.4 Correlation

2.3.5 Regression

UNIT III              Introduction to machine learning

3.1 Basics of Machine Leaning

3.2 Supervised Machine Learning

3.2.1 K- Nearest-Neighbours,

3.2.2 Naïve Bayes

3.2.3 Decision tree

3.2.4 Support Vector Machines

 3.3 Unsupervised Machine Learning

3.3.1 Cluster analysis

3.3.2 K means

3.3.3 EM Algorithm

3.3.4 Association Rule Mining

3.3.5 Apriori algorithms

3.4 Regression Analysis

3.4.1 Linear Regression

3.4.2 Nonlinear Regression

UNIT IV               Data analytics with r/ weka machine learning

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Data Manipulation

4.3 Data Visualization

4.4 Data Analysis


BlockChain: CA- 305 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


This course is highly technical in nature and would require the student to be comfortable with

coding. To prepare for the class all students MUST:

·         Understanding of basic programming language like Java, or Javascript.

·         Understanding of PKI and Docker.


·         Understand what and why of Blockchain

·         Explore the major components of Blockchain

·         Learn about Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum

·         Deploy and exercise example smart contracts

·         Identify a use case for a Blockchain application

·         Create your own Blockchain network application


By the end of the course, students will be able to

·         Understand how blockchain systems (mainly Bitcoin and Ethereum) work,

·         To securely interact with them,

·         Design, build, and deploy smart contracts and distributed applications,

·         Integrate ideas from blockchain technology into their own projects.

UNIT I                     Introduction To Blockchain

1.1 Digital Trust

1.2 Asset

1.3 Transactions

1.4 Distributed Ledger Technology

1.5 Types of network

1.6 Components of blockchain or DLT

1.7 Ledger

1.7.1. Blocks

1.7.2. Blockchain

1.8 PKI and Cryptography

1.8.1. Private keys

1.8.2. Public keys

1.8.3. Hashing

1.8.4. Digital Signature

1.9. Consensus

1.9.1. Byzantine Fault

1.9.2. Proof of Work

1.9.3. Poof of Stake

1.10. Security


1.11 Cryptocurrency

1.12.Digital Token

UNIT II                 How Blockchain Works

2.1 How Blockchain Works

2.2. Structure of Blockchain


2.4. Hash

2.5. Blockchain

2.6. Distributed

2.7. Lifecycle of Blockchain

2.8. Smart Contract

2.9. Consensus Algorithm

2.10 Proof of Work

2.11 Proof of Stake

2.12 Practical Byzantine

2.13 Fault Tolerance

2.14 Actors of Blockchain

2.15 Blockchain developer

2.16 Blockchain operator

2.17 Blockchain regulator

2.18 Blockchain user

2.19 Membership service provider

2.20 Building A Small Blockchain Application

UNIT III              Introduction to Bitcoin

3.1 Currency

3.2 Double Spending

3.3 Cryptocurrency

3.4 P2P Payment Gateway

3.5 Wallet

3.6 Mining

UNIT IV               Ethereum

4.1.Ethereum network

4.2. EVM

4.3.Transaction fee


4.5.Ether, gas

4.6.Solidity – Smart contracts



4.9.Design and issue Cryptocurrency

4.10. Mining

4.11. DApps

4.12. DAO

UNIT V                  Introduction To Hyperledger Fabric V1.1

5.1. Introduction to Hyperledger

5.2 What is Hyperledger

5.3 Why Hyperledger

5.4 Where can Hyperledger be used

5.5 Hyperledger Architecture

5.6 Membership

5.7 Blockchain

5.8 Transaction

5.9 Chaincode

5.10 Hyperledger Fabric

5.11 Features of Hyperledger



Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         To gain knowledge about Computer Networks concepts.

·         To know about working of networking models, addresses, transmission medias andconnectivity devices.

·         3. To acquire information about network security and cryptography.


UNIT I                     Introduction to Computer Network

1.1Basics of Computer Network




1.1.4Network Hardware –Broadcast, Point to Point

1.1.5Components of Data Communication

1.2 Network Topologies


1.2.2 Star,

1.2.3 Bus,


1.3Types of Networks


1.3.2 Internetwork,

1.3.3 Wireless Network

1.4 Modes of Communication

1.4.1 Simplex,

1.4.2 Half Duplex,

1.4.3 Full Duplex

1.5. Server Based LANs & Peer-to-Peer LANs

1.6. Protocols and Standards

1.7. Network Software

1.7.1 Protocol Hierarchies,Layers, Peers,Interfaces

1.7.2 Design Issues of the Layers 

1.7.3 Connection Oriented and Connectionless Service

UNIT II                 Network Models

2.1 OSI Reference Model : Functions of each Layer

2.2 TCP/IP Reference Model,Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP

2.3 TCP/IP Protocol Suite

2.4 Addressing

2.4.1Physical Addresses

2.4.2 Logical Addresses

2.4.3Port Addresses,

2.4.4 SpecificAddresses

2.5 IP Addressing

2.5.1 ClassfullAddressing

2.5.2 Classless Addressing

UNIT III              Transmission Media

3.1Introduction, Types of Transmission Media

3.2 Guided Media:

3.2.1Twisted Pair Cable- Physical Structure,Categories,Connectors&Applications

3.2.2Coaxial Cable – Physical Structure, Standards, Connectors &Applications

3.2.3Fiber Optic Cable- Physical Structure,PropagationModes,Connectors& Applications

3.3 Unguided Media:

3.3.1Electromagnetic Spectrum for Wireless Communication

3.3.2Propagation Modes Ground,Sky,Line-of-Sight

3.3.3Wireless Transmission:RadioWaves,Microwaves, Infrared

UNIT IV               Wired and Wireless LAN

4.1 IEEE Standards

4.2 Standard Ethernet MAC Sublayer,Physical Layer

4.3 Fast Ethernet – Goals, MAC Sublayer,Topology, Implementation

4.4 Gigabit Ethernet – Goals, MAC Sublayer,Topology,Implementation

4.5 Ten-Gigabit Ethernet – Goals, MAC Sublayer, Physical Layer

4.6 Backbone Networks -Bus Backbone, Star Backbone

4.7 Virtual LANs Membership, IEEE standards advantages

4.8 Wireless LAN

4.8.1 IEEE 802.11 Architecture,

4.8.2 Bluetooth Architecture (Piconet, Scatternet)

UNIT V                  Network Devices

5.1 Network Connectivity Devices

5.1.1 Active and Passive Hubs

5.1.2 Repeaters

5.1.3 Bridges- Types of Bridges

5.1.4 Switches

5.1.5 Router

5.1.6 Gateways

UNIT VI               Network Security

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Need for Security

6.3 Security Services :

6.3.1 Message- -Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, Nonrepudiation.

6.3.2 Entity (User)- Authentication.

6.4 Types of Attack

6.5 Cryptography, PlainText,Cipher Text, Encryption,Decryption,Symmetric Key and Asymmetric Key Cryptography

6.6 SubstitutionTechniques, Caesar Cipher,and Transposition Cipher(Problems should be covered.)

6.7 Firewalls- Packet Filter firewall, Proxy firewall

6.8 Steganography,Copyright




Object Oriented Concepts Through CPP: CA-402

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Acquire an understanding of basic object-oriented concepts and the issues involved ineffective class design.

·         Enable students to write programs using C++ features like operator overloading,

·         constructor and destructor, inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling.

UNIT I                     Introduction to C++

1.1 Basic concepts, features, advantages and applications of OOP

1.2 Introduction, applications and features of C++

1.3 Input and Output operator in C++

1.4 Simple C++ program.

UNIT II                 Beginning with C++

2.1 Data type and Keywords

2.2 Declaration of variables, dynamic initialization of variables, referencevariable

2.3 Operators:

2.3.1 Scope resolution operator

2.3.2 Memory management operators

2.4 Manipulators

2.5 Functions:

2.5.1 Function prototyping, call by reference and return by reference

2.5.2 Inline functions

2.6 Default arguments

UNIT III              Classes and Objects

3.1 Structure and class, Class, Object

3.2 Access specifiers, defining data member

3.3 Defining member functions inside and outside class definition.

3.4 Simple C++ program using class

3.5 Memory allocation for objects

3.6 Static data members and static member functions

3.7 Array of objects, objects as a function argument

3.8 Friend function and Friend class

3.9 Function returning objects

UNIT IV               Constructors and Destructors

4.1 Constructors

4.2 Types of constructor : Default, Parameterized, Copy

4.3 Multiple constructors in a class

4.4 Constructors with default argument

4.5 Dynamic initialization of constructor

4.6 Dynamic constructor

4.7 Destructor

UNIT V                  Inheritance

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Defining Base class and Derived class

5.3 Types of Inheritance

5.4 Virtual Base Class

5.5 Abstract class

5.6 Constructors in derived class

UNIT VI               Polymorphism

6.1 Compile TimePolymorphism

6.1.1 Introduction, rules for overloading operators

6.1.2 Functionoverloading

6.1.3 Operator Overloading unary and binary

6.1.4 Operator Overloading using friendfunction

6.1.5 Overloading insertion and extractionoperators

6.1.6 String manipulation using operatoroverloading

6.2 RuntimePolymorphism

6.2.1 this Pointer, pointers to objects, pointer to derived classes

6.2.2 Virtual functions and pure virtualfunctions

UNIT VII           Managing console I/O operations

7.1 C++ streams and C++ streamclasses

7.2 Unformatted I/O operations

7.3 Formatted console I/Ooperations

7.4 Output formatting usingmanipulators

7.5 User defined manipulators

UNIT VIII        Working with Files

8.1 Stream Classes for File operations

8.2 File operations – Opening, Closing andupdating

8.3 File updating with random access.

8.4 Error handling during Fileoperations

8.5 Command Line arguments

UNIT IX              Templates

9.1 Introduction

9.2 ClassTemplate and class template with multiple parameters

9.3 FunctionTemplate and function template with multiple parameter

9.4 ExceptionHandlingIntroduction


Operating System: CA-403

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         To know the services provided by Operating System

·         To know the scheduling concept

·         To understand design issues related to memory management and various relatedalgorithms.

·         To understand design issues related to File management and various related algorithms

UNIT I                     Introduction to Operating System

1.1 What is operating system

1.2 Computer system architecture

1.3 Services provided by OS

1.4 Types of OS

1.5 Operating System Structure –

 – Simple structure

-Layered approach

 -Micro kernels


1.6 Virtual Machines – Introduction, Benefits

UNIT II                 System Structure

2.1 User operating system Interface

2.2 System Calls–

-Process or job control

-Device Management

 – File Management

2.3 System Program

2.4 Operating System Structure

UNIT III              Process Management

3.1 Process Concept –

 – The process

 – Process states

 – Process control block

 3.2 Process Scheduling –

 – Scheduling queues

 – Schedulers

 -Context Switch

3.3 Operation on Process –

 – Process Creation

 -Process Termination

 3.4 Interprocess Communication –

UNIT IV               CPU Scheduling

4.1 What is scheduling

4.2 Scheduling Concepts –

 – CPU- I/O Burst Cycle

 – CPU Scheduler

 -Preemptive and Non-preemptive scheduling

 – Dispatcher

4.3 Scheduling criteria

4.4 Scheduling Algorithms –


– SJF ( Preemptive& non-preemptive)

– Priority Scheduling (Preemptive& Non- preemptive)

– Round Robin Scheduling

 – Multilevel Queues

 – Multilevel Feedback queues

UNIT V                  Process Synchronization

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Critical section problem

5.3 Semaphores –

 – Concept

 – Implementation

 – Deadlock & Starvation

 – Types of Semaphores

5.4 Classical Problems of synchronization –

 -Bounded buffer problem

 – Readers & writers problem

 – Dining Philosophers problem

UNIT VI               Deadlock

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Deadlock Characterization

6.3 Necessary Condition

6.4 Deadlock Handling Technique–

-Deadlock Prevention

 – Deadlock Avoidance –

– Safe State

– Resource allocation graph algorithm

– Bankers algorithm

 – Deadlock Detection

 – Recovery from Deadlock –

-Process Termination

-Resource Preemption

UNIT VII           Memory Management

7.1.Background –

-Basic hardware

 – Address binding

 – Logical versus physical address space

 – Dynamic loading

 – Dynamic linking and shared libraries

7.2 Swapping

7.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation –

 – Memory mapping and protection

 -Memory allocation

 – Fragmentation

 7.4 Paging –

 – Basic Method

 – Hardware support

 – Protection

 – Shared Pages

 7.5 Segmentation –

 – Basic concept

 – Hardware

 7.6 Virtual Memory Management –

 – Background

 – Demand paging

 – Performance of demand paging

 – Page replacement –




– Second chance page replacement



UNIT VIII        File System

8.1 Introduction & File concepts (file attributes,

Operations on files)

8.2 Access methods –

– Sequential access

– Direct access

8.3 File structure –

– Allocation methods

– Contiguous allocation

– Linked Allocation

 – Indexed Allocation

 8.4 Free Space Management –

– Bit Vector

– Linked List

– Grouping

UNIT IX              I/O System

9.1 Introduction

9.2 I/O Hardware

9.3 Application of I/O Interface

9.4 Kernel I/O Subsystem

9.5 Disk Scheduling –


– Shortest Seek time first



– C- Look


Advance PHP: CA- 404 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months

Objectives -:

·         To know & understand concepts of internet programming.

·         Understand how server-side programming works on the web.

·         Understanding How to use PHP Framework (Joomla / Druple)Unit

UNIT I                     Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in PHP

1.1 Classes

1.2 Objects

1.3 Introspection

1.4 Serialization

1.5 Inheritance

1.6 Interfaces

1.7 Encapsulation

UNIT II                 Web Techniques

2.1 Server information

2.2 Processing forms

2.3 Sticky forms

2.4 Setting response headers

UNIT III              XML

3.1 Introduction XML

3.2 XML document Structure

3.3 PHP and XML

3.4 XML parser

3.5 The document object model

3.6 The simple XML extension

3.7 Changing a value with simple XML

UNIT IV               Ajax with PHP

4.1 Understanding java scripts for AJAX

4.2 AJAX web application model

4.3 AJAX –PHP framework

4.4 Performing AJAX validation

4.5 Handling XML data using php and AJAX

4.6 Connecting database using php and AJAX

UNIT V                  Introduction to Web Services

5.1 Definition of web services

5.2 Basic operational model of web services, tools and

technologies enabling web services

5.3 Benefits and challenges of using web services.

5.4 Web services Architecture and its characteristics

5.5 Core building blocks of web services

5.6 Standards and technologies available for implementing webservices

5.7 Web services communication models

5.8 Basic steps of implementing web services.

UNIT VI               PHP Framework (Joomla / Druple)

6.1 Introduction to Joomla/Druple

6.1.1 Introduction

6.1.2 Joomla/Druple features

6.1.3 How joomla/Drupleworks ?

6.1.4 The platformComponents, Modules and Plugins

6.2 Administering Joomla/Druple

6.2.1 Presentation Administration

6.2.2 Content Administration

6.2.3 System Administration

6.3 Working with Joomla/Druple

6.3.1 Adding articles

6.3.2 Adding menus to point to content

6.3.3 Installing new templates

6.3.4 Creating templates

6.3.5 Adding a Module and Component

6.3.6 Modifying the existing templates

6.3.7 Creating templates with web editors

6.3.8 Creating real templates


Node – JS: CA-404 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Understand the JavaScript and technical concepts behind Node JS

·         Structure a Node application in modules

·         Understand and use the Event Emitter

·         Understand Buffers, Streams, and Pipes

·         Build a Web Server in Node and understand how it really works

·         Connect to a SQL or Mongo database in Node

Pre-requisite / Target Audience:

·         Basic Knowledge of JavaScript and OOPS

·         Knowledge in async programming will be added advantage

UNIT I                     Introduction to Node JS

1.1 Introduction

1.2 What is Node JS?

1.3 Advantages of Node JS

1.4 Traditional Web Server Model

1.5 Node.js Process Model

1.6 Install Node.js on Windows

1.7 Working in REPL

UNIT II                 Node JS Modules


2.2 Buffer

2.3 Module

2.4 Module Types

2.5 Core Modules

2.6 Local Modules

2.7 Module.Exports

UNIT III              Node Package Manager

3.1 What is NPM ?

3.2 Installing Packages Locally

3.3 Adding dependency in package.json

3.4 Installing packages globally

3.5 Updating packages

UNIT IV               Web server

4.1 Creating web server

4.2 Handling http requests

4.3 Sending requests

UNIT V                  File System

5.1 Fs.readFile

5.2 Writing a File

5.3 Writing a file asynchronously

5.4 Opening a file

5.5 Deleting a file

5.6 Other IO Operations

UNIT VI               Events

6.1 EventEmitter class

6.2 Returning event emitter

6.3 Inhering events

UNIT VII           Database connectivity

7.1 Connection string

7.2 Configuring

7.3 Working with select command

7.4 Updating records

7.5 Deleting records



Cyber Security:CA-501

Duration: 1 – 2 Months

Prerequisites: –

·         A course on Computer Networks.

Course Objectives:

·         To understand the fundamentals of cyber security.

·         To understand various categories of Cybercrime, Cyber-attacks on mobile, tools andtechniques used in Cybercrime and case studies.

·         To have an overview of the Cyber laws and concepts of Cyber forensics.

Course Outcome:-

·         Have a good understanding of Cyber Security and the Tools.

·         Identify the different types of Cyber Crimes.

·         Have a good understanding of Cyber laws

·         To develop Cyber forensics awareness.

·         Identify attacks, security policies and credit card frauds in mobile and Wireless ComputingEra.


UNIT I                     Introduction to Cyber Crime and Cyber Security

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Cybercrime: Definition and Origin of the Word

1.3 Cybercrime and Information Security

1.4 Who are Cybercriminals?

1.5 Classifications of Cybercrimes:

E-Mail Spoofing, Spamming, Cyber defamation, Internet Time Theft,Salami Attack/Salami Technique, Data Diddling,Forgery, Web Jacking,Newsgroup, Spam/Crimes Emanating from Usenet Newsgroup, IndustrialSpying/Industrial Espionage, Hacking,OnlineFrauds,Computer Sabotage,

Email Bombing/Mail Bombs, Computer Network Intrusions, PasswordSniffing, Credit Card Frauds, Identity Theft

1.6 Definition of Cyber Security

1.7 Vulnerability, Threats and Harmful acts

1.8 CIA Triad

1.9 Cyber Security Policy and Domains of Cyber Security Policy


UNIT II                  Cyber offenses and Cyberstalking

2.1 Criminals Plan: Categories of Cybercrime Cyber Attacks:Reconnaissance, Passive Attack, Active Attacks, Scanning/Scrutinizinggathered Information, Attack (Gaining and Maintaining the System

Access), Social Engineering, and Classification of Social Engineering.

2.2 Cyberstalking: Types of Stalkers, Cases Reported on Cyberstalking,Working of Stalking

2.3 Real-Life Incident of Cyber stalking

2.4 Cybercafe and Cybercrimes

2.5 Botnets: The Fuel for Cybercrime, Botnet, Attack Vector

2.6 Cybercrime: Mobile and Wireless Devices – Proliferation – Trends inMobility

2.7 Credit Card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless Computing Era

2.8 Security Challenges Posed by Mobile Devices

2.9 Authentication Service Security

2.10 Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones


UNIT III              Tools and Methods Used in Cybercrime

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Proxy Servers and Anonymizers

3.3 Phishing

3.4 Password Cracking

3.5 Keyloggers and Spywares

3.6 Virus and Worms

3.7 Trojan Horses and Backdoors

3.8 Steganography

3.9 DoS and DDoS Attacks

3.10 SQL Injection

UNIT IV                Cybercrimes and Cyber security: The Legal Perspectives

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Cybercrime and the Legal Landscape around the World

4.3 Why Do We Need Cyberlaws: The Indian Context

4.4 The Indian IT Act

4.5 Challenges to Indian Law and Cybercrime Scenario in India

4.6 Consequences of not Addressing the Weakness in InformationTechnology Act

4.7 Digital Signatures and the Indian IT Act

4.8 Amendments to the Indian IT Act

4.9 Cybercrime and Punishment

4.10 Cyberlaw, Technology and Students: Indian Scenario

UNIT V                   Cyber Forensics

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Historical background of Cyber forensics

5.3 Digital Forensics Science

5.4 The Need for Computer Forensics

5.5 Cyber Forensics and Digital evidence

5.6 Forensics Analysis of Email

5.7 Digital Forensics Lifecycle

5.8 Challenges in Computer Forensics

UNIT VI                Cybersecurity: Organizational Implications

6.1 Organizational Implications: Cost of cybercrimes and IPR issues

6.2 Web threats for organizations

6.3 Security and Privacy Implications from Cloud Computing

6.4 Social media marketing

6.5 Social computing and the associated challenges for organizations,Protecting people’s privacy in the organization

6.6 Organizational guidelines for Internet usage and safe computingguidelines and computer usage policy

6.7 Incident handling

6.8 Intellectual property in the cyberspace of cyber security.

UNIT VII            Cybercrime: Illustrations, Examples and Mini-Cases

7.1Real-Life Examples

7.2 Mini-Cases

7.3 Illustrations of Financial Frauds in Cyber Domain

7.4 Digital Signature-Related Crime Scenarios

7.5 Digital Forensics Case Illustrations

7.6 Online Scams


Object Oriented Software Engineering: CA-502

Duration: 1 – 2 Months

Pre Requisite:

·         Students shall have the Basic Knowledge of Software Engineering


·         To understand the fundamentals of object modeling

·         To understand and differentiate Unified Process from other approaches.

·         To design with static UML diagrams.

·         To design with the UML dynamic and implementation diagrams.

·         To improve the software design with design patterns.

·         To test the software against its requirements specification.


·         Students will be able to give Design Specifications for Project.

·         Students will acquire Knowledge in Basic Modeling.

·         Students will acquire Project Management Skills.

UNIT I                     Introduction and basics of Software Modelling

1.1 Software Life Cycle Models (Revision of SE)

1.2 System Concepts

1.3 Project Organization

1.4 Communication in Project Management

1.5 Risk management in Project Management

UNIT II                 SRS Documentation

2.1 SRS Specification

2.2 Requirement Elicitation

2.3 Business Engineering

UNIT III              Introduction to UML

3.1 Concept of UML

3.2 Advantages of UML 2

UNIT IV               Object Oriented Concepts and Principles

4.1 What is Object Orientation? – Introduction , Object ,Classes and Instance , Polymorphism, Inheritance

4.2 Object Oriented System Development- Introduction,Function/Data Methods (With Visibility), Object OrientedAnalysis, Object Oriented Construction

4.3 Identifying the Elements of an Object Model

4.4 Identifying Classes and Objects

4.5 Specifying the Attributes (With Visibility)

4.6 Defining Operations

4.7 Finalizing the Object Definition

UNIT V                  Structural Modeling

5.1 Classes

5.2 Relationship

5.3 Common Mechanism

5.4 Class Diagram (Minimum three examplesshould be covered)

5.5 Advanced Classes

5.6 Advanced Relationship

5.7 Interface

5.8 Types and Roles

5.9 Packages

5.10 Object Diagram

UNIT VI               Basic Behavioural Modeling

6.1 Interactions

6.2 Use Cases and Use Case Diagram with stereo types

6.3 Interaction Diagram

6.4 Sequence Diagram

6.5 Activity Diagram

6.6 State Chart Diagram

UNIT VII           Architectural Modelling

7.1 Component

7.2 Components Diagram (Minimum two examples should becovered)

7.3 Deployment Diagram (Minimum two examples should becovered)

7.4 Collaboration Diagram (Minimum two examples should becovered)

UNIT VIII        Object Oriented Analysis

8.1 Iterative Development and the Rational Unified Process

8.2 Inception

8.3 Understanding Requirements

8.4 Use Case Model From Inception to Elaboration

8.5 Elaboration

UNIT IX              Object Oriented Design

9.1 The Booch Method, The Coad and Yourdon Method andJacobson Method and Raumbaugh Method

9.2 The Generic Components of the OO Design Model

9.3 The System Design Process – Partitioning the AnalysisModel, Concurrency and Sub System Allocation, TaskManagement Component, The Data ManagementComponent, The Resource Management Component, InterSub System Communication


Core Java: CA-503

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Student should know basics of object oriented programming.

Course Objectives:

·         To introduce the object oriented programming concepts.

·         To understand object oriented programming concepts, and apply them in solving problems.

·         To introduce the principles of inheritance and polymorphism; and demonstrate how they relate to the design ofabstract classes

·         To introduce the implementation of packages and interfaces

·         To introduce the concepts of exception handling and multithreading.

·         To introduce the design of Graphical User Interface using applets and swing controls.

Course Outcomes:

·         Able to solve real world problems using OOP techniques.

·         Able to understand the use of abstract classes.

·         Able to solve problems using java collection framework and I/o classes.

·         Able to develop multithreaded applications with synchronization.

·         Able to develop applets for web applications.

·         Able to design GUI based applications

UNIT I                     Java Fundamentals

1.1 Introduction to Java.

1.1 Features of Java

1.2 Basics of Java: – Data types, variable, expression, operators,constant.

1.3 Structure of Java Program.

1.4 Execution Process of java Program.

1.5 JDK Tools.

1.6 Command Line Arguments.

1.7 Array and String:

1.7.1 Single Array & Multidimensional Array

1.7.2 String, String Buffer

1.8 Built In Packages and Classes :

1.8.1 java.util:- Scanner, Date, Math etc.

1.8.2 java.lang

UNIT II                 Classes, Objects and Methods

2.1 Class and Object

2.2 Object reference

2.3 Constructor: Constructor Overloading

2.4 Method: Method Overloading, Recursion, Passing andReturning object form Method

2.5 new operator, this and static keyword, finalize() method

2.6 Nested class, Inner class, and Anonymous inner class

UNIT III              Inheritance, Package and Collection

3.1 Overview of Inheritance

3.2 inheritance in constructor

3.3 Inheriting Data members and Methods,

3.4 Multilevel Inheritance – method overriding Handle multilevelconstructors

3.5 Use of super and final keyword

3.6 Interface:

3.7 Creation and Implementation of an interface, Interfacereference

3.8 Interface inheritance

3.9 Dynamic method dispatch

3.10 Abstract class

3.11 Comparison between Abstract Class and interface

3.12 Access control

 3.13 Packages

3.13.1 Packages Concept

3.13.2 Creating user defined packages

3.13.3 Java Built inpackages

 3.13.4 Import statement, Static import

3.14 Collection

3.14.1 CollectionFramework.

3.14.2 Interfaces: Collection, List, Set

3.14.3 Navigation: Enumeration, Iterator, ListIterator

3.14.4   Classes: LinkedList, ArrayList, Vector, HashSet –

UNIT IV               File and Exception Handling Exception

4.1 Exception and Error

4.2 Use of try, catch, throw, throws and finally

4.3 Built in Exception

4.4 Custom exception

4.5 Throwable Class.

File Handling

4.6 Overview of Different Stream (Byte Stream, Character stream)

4.7 Readers and Writers class

4.8 File Class

4.9 File Input Stream , File Output Stream

4.10 Input Stream Reader and Output Stream Writerclass

4.11 FileReader and FileWriter class

4.12 Buffered Reader class.

UNIT V                  Applet, AWT, Event and Swing Programming


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Typesapplet

5.3 Applet Lifecycle

5.3.1 Creatingapplet

5.3.2 Applet tag

5.4 AppletClasses

5.4.1 Color

5.4.2 Graphics

5.4.3 Font


5.5 Components and container used inAWT

5.6 Layoutmanagers

5.7 Listeners and Adapterclasses

5.8 Event Delegationmodel


5.9 Introduction to Swing ComponentandContainer Classes

5.10Exploring Swing Controls- JLabel and Image Icon,JText Field, The Swing Buttons JButton, JToggleButton, JCheck Box, JRadio Button, JTabbed Pane,JScroll Pane, JList, JTable, JComboBox, SwingMenus, Dialogs,JFileOpen,JColorChooser.


MongoDB:CA-504 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Knowledge of database concepts

·         Basic understanding of Big Data platforms


·         Understand importance of NoSQL Databases.

·         Learn various MongoDB commands and MongoDB design goals.

·         Design basic and general-purpose database using MongoDB.


·         Learned to work with MongoDB shell and MongoDB tools.

·         Able to do Schema design, Data modelling and all sorts of CRUD Operations.

·         Learned to optimize query performance.

·         Become capable to analyze the data stored in MongoDB.

UNIT I                     Introduction to NoSQL Databases

1.1 Introduction to NoSQL Databases

1.2 Difference between NoSQL and RDBMS

1.3 Need of NoSQL Databases

1.4 Application of NoSQL Databases

1.5 Types of NoSQL Databases

1.6 What is MongoDB?

1.7 Features of MongoDB

UNIT II                 MongoDB Basics

2.1 Installing MongoDB

2.2 MongoDB Server and Database, MongoDB tools

2.3 Collection, Documents and Key-Values

2.4 Data Modeling Concepts

2.4.1 Why Data Modeling? Data Modeling Approach

2.4.2 Analogy between RDBMS &MongoDB Data Model, MongoDBData

2.4.3 Model (Embedding & Linking)

2.4.4 Challenges for Data Modeling in MongoDB

2.4.5 Data Model Examples and Patterns

2.5 Mongo shell Commands to create, delete database, collection &documents

2.6 MongoDBDatatypes

2.7 Inserting and saving documents

2.7.1 Batch Insert

2.7.2 Insert Validation

2.8 MongoDB GUI like compass

UNIT III              MongoDB CRUD Operations

3.1 MongoDB Development Architecture

3.2 MongoDB Production Architecture

3.3 MongoDB CRUD Introduction, MongoDB CRUD Concepts

3.4 MongoDB CRUD Concerns (Read & Write Operations)

3.5 Concern Levels, Journaling

3.6 Cursor Query Optimizations, Query behaviour in MongoDB

3.7 Distributed Read & Write Queries

3.8 MongoDB CRUD Syntax & Queries

UNIT IV               MongoDB Index and Aggregation

4.1 Index Introduction, Index Concepts, Index Types, Index Properties

4.2 Index Creation and Indexing Reference

4.3 Introduction to Aggregation

4.4 Approach to Aggregation

4.5 Types of Aggregation (Pipeline, MapReduce& Single Purpose)

4.6 Performance Tuning.

UNIT V                  MongoDB Administration

5.1 Administration concepts in MongoDB

5.2 Monitoring issues related to Database

5.3 Monitoring at Server, Database, Collection level, and variousMonitoring tools related to MongoDB

5.4 Database Profiling, Locks, Memory Usage, No of connections,page fault

5.5 Backup and Recovery Methods for MongoDB

5.6 Export and Import of Data to and from MongoDB

5.7 Run time configuration of MongoDB

5.8 Production notes/ best practices

5.9 Data Managements in MongoDB (Capped Collections/ Expired

data from TTL), Hands on Administrative Tasks.


Python: CA-504(Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Experience with a high level language (C/C++, Java, MATLAB) is suggested.

·         Prior knowledge of a scriptinglanguage (Perl, UNIX/Linux shells) and Object-Oriented concepts is helpful butnot mandatory.

Course Objectives:

·         To learn and understand Python programming basics and paradigm.

·         To learn and understand python looping, control statements and string manipulations.

·         Students should be made familiar with the concepts of GUI controls and designing GUI applications.

·         To learn and know the concepts of file handling, exception handling.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able

·         Define and demonstrate the use of built-in data structures “lists” and “dictionary”.

·         Design and implement a program to solve a real world problem.

·         3. Design and implement GUI application and how to handle exceptions and files.

UNIT I                     Introduction to Python

1.1 History, feature of Python, setting up path, working with python Interpreter, basic

syntax, variable and data types, operators

1.2 Conditional statements-If, If-Else, nested if-else, Examples.

1.3 Looping-For,While,Nested loops, Examples

1.4 Control Statements-Break, Continue, Pass.

1.5 String Manipulation-Accessing String, Basic Operations, String Slices,Function and Methods, Examples.

1.6 Lists-Introduction, accessing list, operations, working with lists, function &methods.

1.7 Tuple-Introduction, Accessing tuples, operations working, function & methods,Examples.

1.8 Dictionaries-Introduction, Accessing values in dictionaries, working withdictionaries, properties, function, Examples.

1.9 Functions-Defining a function, calling a function, types of function, functionarguments, anonymous function, global & local variable, Examples.

UNIT II                 Modules and Packages

2.1Built in Modules

2.1.1 Importing modules in python program

2.1.2 Working with Random Modules.

2.1.3 E.g. – built-ins, time, date time, calendar, sys, etc

2.2 User Defined functions

2.2.1Structure of Python Modules

2.3 Packages

2.3.1 Predefined Packages

2.3.2User defined Packages

UNIT III              Classes ,Objects and Inheritance

3.1 Classes and Objects

3.1.1 Classes as User Defined Data Type

3.1.2 Objects as Instances of Classes

3.1.3 Creating Class and Objects

3.1.4 Creating Objects By Passing Values

3.1.5 Variables & Methods in a Class

3.2 Inheritance

3.2.1 Single Inheritance

3.2.2 Multilevel Inheritance

3.2.3 Multiple Inheritance

3.2.4 Hybrid Inheritance  

3.2.5 Hierarchical Inheritance

3.2.6 IS-A Relationship and HAS-A Relationship

UNIT IV               Exception Handling

4.1 Python Exception

4.2 Common Exception

4.3 Exception handling in Python (try-except-else)

4.4 The except statement with no exception

4.5 Multiple Exception

4.6 The try-finally clause

4.7 Custom Exception and assert statement

UNIT V                  GUI Programming

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Tkinter programming

5.4 Tkinter widgets

5.5 Frame

5.6 Button

5.7 Label

5.8 Entry

UNIT VI               Python Libraries

6.1 Statistical Analysis- NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, StatsModels

6.2 Data Visualization- Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly

6.3 Data Modelling and Machine Learning- Scikit-learn, XGBoost, Eli5

6.4 Deep Learning- TensorFlow, Pytorch, Keras

6.5 Natural Language Processing (NLP)- NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim


Internet of Things (IoT): CA-507

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Basic knowledge of Internet, Networking, and Electronics.

Course Objectives:

·         To understand Technical aspects of Internet of things.

·         To describe smart objects and IoT Architecture.

·         To study and compare different Application protocols ofIoT.

·         To understand IoT platform using Arduino Uno.

Course Outcomes: Students will be able

·         To explain key technologies, smart objects, IoT Architecture and security in Internet of Things.

·         To illustrate the role of IoT protocols for efficient network communication.

·         To understand IoT platform such as Arduino Uno.

UNIT I                     Fundamentals of IoT

1.1 Basic Concepts of IoT

1.2 Major components of IoT devices

1.3 IOT Architecture

1.4 Pros & Cons of IOT

UNIT II                 Communication Technologies

2.1 Wireless Communication: Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi, RF Links

2.2 Wired Communication: Ethernet

2.3 IOT Protocol: MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, OSGi

UNIT III              Microcontroller Fundamental and Arduinouno

3.1 System on Chip & Microcontroller

3.2 Arduino UNO: Introduction to Arduino, Arduino UNO, ArduinoBoard, The Anatomy of an Arduino Board

3.3 The Development Environment of Arduino Board

3.4 Writing Arduino Software, The Arduino Sketch

3.5 Fundamentals of Arduino Programming

3.6 Trying the code on an Arduino Emulator

3.7 Arduino Libraries 25 Programming & Interfacing

3.8 Application of IoT

3.9 Case studies: Home Automation, Smart Parking, etc.



Recent Trends in IT:CA-601

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Basic knowledge of related programming and database concepts.

·         Fundamentals of Mathematical logic & Data structures.

Course Objectives

·         To introduce upcoming trends in Information technology.

·         To study Eco friendly software development concepts.

·         To provide a strong foundation of fundamental concepts in Artificial Intelligence.

·         To evaluate the performance of various data mining task.

·         To understand Data analytics using Spark Programming.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able

·         To discuss the basic concepts AI.

·         To apply basic, intermediate and advanced techniques to mine the data.

·         To provide an overview of the concept of Spark programming.


UNIT I                     Introduction to recent trends

1.1 Artificial Intelligence

1.2 Data Warehouse

1.3 Data Mining

1.4 Spark

UNIT II                 Artificial Intelligence

2.1 Introduction& Concept of AI

2.2 Applications of AI

2.3 Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Knowledge –basedSystems, AI Techniques

2.4 Early work in AI & related fields.

2.5 Defining AI problems as a State Space Search

2.6 Search and Control Strategies

2.7 Problem Characteristics

2.8 AI Problem: Water Jug Problem, Tower of Hanoi, Missionaries

& Cannibal Problem

UNIT III              AI Search Techniques

3.1 Blind Search Techniques:

BFS, DFS, DLS, Iterative deepening Search, BidirectionalSearch, and Uniform cost Search

3.2 Heuristic search techniques:

Generate and test, Hill Climbing, Best First search, Constraint

Satisfaction, Mean-End Analysis, A*, AO*

UNIT IV               Data Warehousing

4.1 Introduction to Data warehouse

4.2 Structure of Data Warehouse

4.3 Advantages & uses of Data Warehouse

4.4 Architecture of Data Warehouse

4.5 Multidimensional data model


4.7 OLAP Operations

4.8 Types of OLAP Servers: ROLAP versus MOLAP versusHOLAP

UNIT V                  Data Mining

5.1 Introduction to Data Mining

5.2 Data mining Task

5.3 Data mining issues

5.4 Data Mining versus Knowledge Discovery in Databases

5.5 Data Mining Verification vs. Discovery

5.6 Data Pre-processing – Need, Data Cleaning, Data Integration &Transformation, Data Reduction

5.7 Accuracy Measures: Precision, recall, F-measure, confusion

matrix, cross-validation, bootstrap

5.8 Data Mining Techniques

5.9 Frequent item-sets and Association rule mining: Apriorialgorithm, FP tree algorithm

5.10 Graph Mining: Frequent sub-graph mining

5.11 Software for data mining : R, Weka, Sample applications ofdata mining

5.12 Introduction to Text Mining, Web Mining, Spatial Mining,Temporal Mining

UNIT VI               Spark

6.1 Introduction to Apache Spark

6.2 Spark Installation

6.3 Apache Spark Architecture

6.4 Components of Spark

6.5 Spark RDDs

6.6 RDD Operations: Transformation & Actions

6.7 Spark SQL and Data Frames

6.8 Introduction to Kafka for Spark Streaming


Software Testing: CA-602

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Students shall have basic Knowledge of Software Engineering.

·         Students shall have basic Knowledge of OOSE.


·         To provide learner with knowledge in Software Testing techniques.

·         To understand how testing methods can be used as an effective tool in providing quality assurance for software.

·         To provide skills to design test case plan for testing software.


·         Students will be introduced to testing tools.

·         Students will acquire Knowledge of Basic SQA.

·         Students will be able to design basic Test Cases.

UNIT I                     Introduction

1.1 Introduction, Nature of errors,

1.2 Testing Objectives

1.3 Testing principles

1.4 Testing fundamentals,

1.5 Software reviews, Formal Technical reviews,

1.6 Inspection and walkthrough

1.7 Testing Life Cycle

UNIT II                 Approaches to Testing –Testing Methods

2.1 White Box Testing and types of white box testing

2.2 Test Case Design

2.3 Black Box Testing and types of black box testing

2.4 Gray Box Testing

UNIT III              Software Testing Strategies &Software metrics

3.1 Software Testing Process

3.2 Unit Testing

3.3 Integration- Top-down ,Bottom up

3.4 System Testing

3.5 Acceptance Testing (alpha, Beta testing)

3.6 Validation and Verification

3.7 Big Bang Approach

3.8 Sandwich approach

3.9 Performance Testing

3.10 Regression Testing

3.11 Smoke Testing

3.13 Load Testing


UNIT IV               Software metrics

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Basic Metrics –size-oriented metric, Function –orientedmetric

4.3 Cyclometic Complexity Metrics

UNIT V                  Testing for Specialized Environment

5.1 Testing GUI’s

5.2 Testing of Client/Server Architectures

5.3 Testing Documentation and Help Facilities

5.4 Testing for Real-Time Systems


UNIT VI               Testing Tools& Software Quality Assurance (Introduction)

6.1 JUnit, Apache JMeter, Win runner

6.2 Load runner, Rational Robot

6.3 Quality Concepts, Quality Movement, Background Issues,

SQA activities

6.4 Formal approaches to SQA

6.5 Statistical Quality Assurance

6.6 Software Reliability

6.7 The ISO 9000 Quality Standards

6.8 SQA Plan

6.9 Six sigma

6.10 Informal Reviews


Advanced Java: CA-603

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Students should know basic programming concepts.

Objectives -:

·         To know the concept of Java Programming.

·         To understand how to use programming in day to day applications.

·         To develop programming logic.


·         Students will know the concepts of JDBC Programming.

·         Students will know the concepts of Multithreading and Socket Programming.

·         Students will know the concepts of Spring and Hibernate.

·         Students will develop the project by using JSP and JDBC.

·         Students will develop applications in Spring and hibernate.

UNIT I                     JDBC

1.1 Introduction

1.2 JDBC Architecture.

1.3 JDBC Process

1.4 Working with ResultSet Interface.

UNIT II                 Multithreading

2.1 Introduction to Multithreading.

2.2 Thread creation: Thread Class, Runnable Interface.

2.3 Life cycle of Thread.

2.4 Thread Priority.

2.5 Execution of Thread Application.

2.6 Synchronization and Interthread communication.

UNIT III              Networking

3.1 Overview of Networking.

3.2 Networking Basics: Port Number, Protocols and classes.

3.14.4   3.3 Sockets, Reading from and Writing to a Socket.

UNIT IV               Servlet and JSP

4.1 Introduction to Servlet

4.2 Types of Servlet: Generic Servlet and Http Servlet

4.3 Life cycle of servlet

4.4 Session Tracking.

4.5 Servlet with database.


4.6 Introduction to JSP.

4.7 JSP Life Cycle.

4.8 Components of JSP.

4.9 JSP with Database.

UNIT V                  Spring & Hibernate


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Applications and Benefits of spring

5.3 Architecture and Environment Setup

5.4 Hello World Example

5.5 Core Spring- IoC Containers, Spring Bean Definition, Scope, Lifecycle


5.6 Architecture and Environment

5.7 Configuration, Sessions, Persistent Class

5.8 Mapping Files, Mapping Types

5.9 Examples


Android Programming: CA-604 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months


·         Concepts of OOP’s.

·         Basic Knowledge About JAVA Programming


·         To understand the Android Operating System and develop applications using Google’s Android opensource platform.

·         To understand the issues relating to Wireless applications.


·         Student will be able to write simple GUI applications, use built-in widgets and components, workwith the database to store data locally, and much more.

·         Demonstrate their understanding of the fundamentals of Android operating systems

·         Demonstrate their skills of using Android software development tools

UNIT I                     Introduction to android programming

1.1 What is Android?

1.2 History and Versions

1.3 Android Architecture

1.4 Basic Building Blocks

1.5 Android API Levels

1.6 Application Structure

1.7 First Hello World Program

UNIT II                 Activity, intent and layout

2.1 Introduction to Activity

2.2 Activity life cycle

2.3 Introduction to Intent

2.4 Types of Intent(Implicit and Explicit Intent)

2.5 Layout Manager

2.5.1View and View Group

2.5.2 Linear Layout

2.5.3 Relative Layout

2.5.4 Table Layout

2.5.5 Grid Layout

2.5.6 Constraint Layout

2.5.7 Frame Layout

2.5.8 Scroll Layout

UNIT III              Basic ui design

3.1 Button(Push Button, Check Box, Radio Button,Toggle Button, Image Button)

3.2 Text Fields

3.3 Spinner

3.4 List View

3.5 Toast

3.6 Scroll View

3.6 ProgressBar View

3.7 Auto Complete Text View

3.8 Dialog Box

3.8.1 Alert Dialog.

3.8.2 DatePicker Dialog.

3.8.3 TimePicker Dialog.

3.8.4 Custom Dialog.

UNIT IV               Adapter and menu

4.1 Base Adapter

4.2 Array Adapter

4.3 ListView using Adapter

4.4GridView using Adapter

4.5Photo Gallery using Adapter

4.6 Using Menu with Views

4.6.1 Option Menu

4.5.2 Context Menu

4.5.3 Popup Menu

UNIT V                  Threads and notification

5.1 Worker thread

5.2 Handlers & Runnable

5.3 AsynTask (in detail)

5.4 Broadcast Receiver

5.5 Services

5.5.1Service life Cycle

5.5.2 Bounded Service

5.5.2 Unbounded Service

5.6 Notification

5.7 Alarm

5.8 Accessing Phone services(Call,SMS)

UNIT VI               Content provider

6.1Content Providers

6.2 SQLite Programming

6.3 SQLiteOpenHelper

6.4 SQLiteDatabse

6.5 Cursor

6.6 Searching for content

6.7 Adding, changing, and removing content

6.8 Building and executing queries

6.9 Android JSON

UNIT VII           Location based services and google map

7.1 Display Google Maps

7.1.1 Creating the project

7.1.2 Obtaining the Maps API Key

7.1.3 Displaying the Map

7.1.4 Displaying the Zoom Control

7.1.5 Changing Views

7.1.6 Navigating to a specific location

7.1.7 Adding Markers

7.1.8 Getting the location that was touched

7.1.9 Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding

7.2. Getting Location Data

7.3. Monitoring a Location


Dot Net Framework: CA-604 (Option)

Duration: 1 – 2 Months

Course Prerequisites:

Student should have basic knowledge of:

·         Visual Basic

·         HTML

·         Object Oriented concepts

·         Ms-Access, Mysql, SQL Server

Course Objectives:

·         To learn Microsoft framework architecture.

·         Understand development of windows application.

·         To learn data access mechanism.

·         Create and consume libraries.

·         Create a web application.

·         To develop the website and application.

Course Outcome:

·         Use the features of Dot Net Framework along with the features of VB, C# and ASP

·         Design and develop window based and web based .NET applications.

·         Design and develop a Website.

·         Design and Implement database connectivity using ADO.NET for VB, C# and ASP.

UNIT I                     Introduction to DOT NET FRAMEWORK

1.1 What is Framework?

1.2 Architecture of Dot Net Framework

1.2.1 Common Language Runtime

1.2.2 Common Type System(CTS)

1.2.3 Common Language Specification(CLS)

1.2.4 JIT Compilers

1.2.5 Base Class Library

1.3 IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

1.4 Event Driven Programming

UNIT II                 Introduction to VB.Net

2.1 Basics of VB.Net

2.1.1 Operators

2.1.2 Data Types

2.1.3 Control Structures

2.2Build Windows Applications

2.2.1 Controls: Form, TextBox, Button, Label, CheckBox, ListBox,ComboBox, RadioButton, DateTimePicker, MonthCalender,Timer, Progressbar,Scrollbar, PictureBox, ImageBox, ImageList,TreeView, ListView, Toolbar, StatusBar, Datagridview

2.2.2 Menus and PopUp Menu

2.2.3 Predefined Dialog controls: Color,Save,File,Open, Font

2.2.4 DialogBox – InputBox(), MessageBox, MsgBox()

UNIT III              Introduction to C#

3.1 Language Fundamentals

3.1.1 Data type and Control Constructs

3.1.2 Value and Reference Types,Boxing

3.1.3 Arrays

3.1.4 String class and its various operations

3.1.5 Functions

3.2 Object Oriented Concepts

3.2.1 Defining classes and Objects

3.2.2 Access modifiers

3.2.3 Constructors

3.2.4 Inheritance

3.2.5 Interface

3.2.6 Abstract Class

3.2.7 Method Overloading and Overriding

3.2.8 Delegates

UNIT IV               Introduction to ASP.NET

4.1 What isASP.NET?

4.2 ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

4.3 Architecture ofASP.NET

4.4 Forms, WebPages, HTML forms,

4.5 Request & Response in Non-ASP.NET pages

4.6 Using ASP.NET Server Controls

4.7 Overview of Control structures

4.8 Functions

4.9 HTML events

 4.9.1 ASP.NET Web control events

 4.9.2 Event driven programming and postback

4.10 Introduction to Web forms

4.10.1 Web Controls

4.10.2 Server Controls

4.10.3 Client Controls

4.10.4 Navigation Controls

4.10.5 Validations

4.10.6 Master Page

4.10.7 State Management Techniques

UNIT V                  Architecture of Ado.Net

5.1 Basics of

5.1.1Connection Object

5.1.2Command Object


5.1.4Data Table

5.1.5Data Reader Object

5.1.6Data Adapter Object

5.2 Datagridview& Data Binding: Insert, Update, Delete records

5.3 Navigation Using Data Source


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