
What is Data Hiding in Python?

It’s a technique for hiding data or information behind computer code in object-oriented programming (OOP).Internal object features, such as data members, are buried within a class.

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Difference Between Python and Node.js

Two of the most often used technologies for backend programming are Node.js and Python. Python and Node.js are two web development languages that can be difficult to decide between. Each has merits and demerits.

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Python 2 vs. Python 3: Which Is Better to Learn?

Python is among the best choices if you’re new to data science and are unaware of which language to study at the start. Both Python versions have varied applications, from program learning  and data mining to web programming and computer graphics.

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What is Hypothesis Testing?

The process of testing hypotheses involves creating assumptions about population parameters using sample statistics and carefully comparing these assumptions to real data. The importance of hypothesis testing and the crucial steps in the procedure are clarified in this article.

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Python Tutorial for Beginners in 2024

Python tutorial covers the basics of Python programming, such as control statements, installation, Lists, Strings, Dictionaries, Tuples, Modules, Exceptions,  File I/O, Programs, Date and Time and more

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What is Sklearn in Python?

It is one of the most often used languages for machine learning is Python. It is simple to use and has a minimal entry barrier in addition to a clear and effective syntax. It is portable, open-source, and simple to include. Numerous libraries are available for machine learning, data analytics, and data visualization in Python.

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Java Developer Roles And Responsibilities Salary, Career and Scope

Java is built on core languages like C and C++ and is concurrent, class-based, and object-oriented. This makes Java very flexible, easy for coders to use, and in high demand.A Java developer is one of the most in-demand careers in 2021. This is because most big companies use Java for their software systems and back-end services.

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What is A Data Analyst? How to Become A Data Analyst?

One of the most in-demand and lucrative positions in the data industry is that of data scientist. Forbes says that the job market for data analysts is booming, and things look good for these in-demand workers in the future. This blog will discuss the roles of a data analyst, how to become a data analyst, data analyst certifications, and other things.

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TOSCA Interview Questions and Answers

TOSCA Interview Questions and Answers

In today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape, the management and orchestration of complex applications are critical for efficient deployment and scalability. TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) has emerged as a powerful standard for modeling, deploying, and managing applications in cloud and hybrid environments.

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Software Testing Life Cycle

Software Testing Life Cycle, Phases, and Types

Software testing is simply defined as a sequence of various activities performed on a product from start to finish. The prime purpose of SDLC in software testing is to lower down the risks of different projects by doing forward planning. With the help of this, the software can easily approach the customer expectations during production and afterwards as well.

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top essential DATA Engineering skills

Top Essential Data Engineer Skills in 2023

If you want to become a well-known name as a data engineer, this is the right place to learn everything you need about the data engineer’s required skills. You need to know a lot about big data to be a practical data engineer with great skills.

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Front-end vs Back-end Developer

Front End Vs Back End Developer

Full-stack developers work on all parts of a website and know how to code for both the front and back ends. Read on to learn more about front-end vs. back-end developers,  including what is front end and back end, the difference between front end and back end, and key proficiencies required for both focuses.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing

Although cloud computing is the newest buzzword in IT for businesses, you shouldn’t dive in headfirst without preparation. In this article, we’ll discuss what cloud computing is, the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, and more.

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Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

We are living in a period where we remain online most of the time. That’s why; day by day the demand for new software as well as apps is also increasing. But, the new development of software or app also requires a quality control mechanism to ensure their performance. Here we are discussing some important manual testing interview questions and answers helpful in boosting the inner confidence of applicants who are willing to give an interview.

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React JS Developer Salary In India

ReactJS Developer Salary in India for Freshers & Experienced

ReactJS is a well-liked JavaScript toolkit for developing user interfaces (UIs). It is extensively used by companies and multinational corporations to develop web and mobile applications. The rising demand for ReactJS engineers’ skills has led to an increase in their salaries. In this blog, we’ll cover the salary for both Freshers and experienced ReactJS developers in India.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (1)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize various industries, leading to increased efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. Let’s take an overview of advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence before implementing it in any industry.

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Python Full Stack Developer: Skills and Jobs

Full-stack development refers to the process of developing both the front-end and back-end of a web application. Python, being a versatile and powerful programming language, has gained a lot of traction in the Full-Stack development domain. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the skills required for a Python Full-Stack Developer and the job prospects available in the market.

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AngularJS: Basics, History, Jobs, Features, Salary, Applications, Architecture

Angular is a well-known framework that is widely used to build web apps. Because the digital world changes quickly, new technologies and frameworks are always being made, so developers must make more stable software that works better. So, developers can use either Angular or AngularJS in their projects, depending on the needs of the project and the programming language they want to use.

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Difference Between Angular And React

Which framework, Angular or React, is more popular? React vs Angular, which is better? We will comprehensively evaluate various front-end frameworks to help you answer the issues posed above. The difference between Angular and React rages on whenever front-end programming is necessary. This article will examine Angular vs React, which is best in which scenarios. Angular versus React: which should you choose? Let’s conduct an investigation.

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What Is ReactJS?

ReactJS is among the most popular JavaScript libraries for developing mobile and web applications. React was made by Facebook. It is a set of reusable pieces of JavaScript code called components to build user interfaces (UI). It is essential to understand that ReactJS is not a JavaScript-based framework. React is a framework you can use instead of ones like Angular and Vue, allowing you to create complicated functionalities.

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Data Analyst vs. Data Scientist: What’s the Difference?

In today’s data-driven economy, firms depend more and more on data analysis to support their decisions. Understanding the differences between recently emerging professions like Data Analysts and Data Scientists is essential to choose the one that best suits your professional goals. Even when two professions are similar, their responsibilities, salaries, and skill requirements differ. We will look more closely at the differences between Data Analyst vs Data Scientist in this blog post.

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The Power of Data Analytics: Exploring the Skills, Jobs, and Salaries in Today’s Digital Age

Data Analytics is the process of collecting, managing, analysing, and interpreting data to produce insights that can help businesses make informed decisions. Companies are generating more data, which has led to an increase in the demand for professionals who can help turn that data into useful insights. In this blog, we will explore the skills required for Data Analytics, the jobs available, and the salaries one can expect in this exciting field.

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Salesforce Developer: A Lucrative and Rewarding Career in the Tech Industry

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps companies manage their marketing, sales, and other operations of the companies. A Salesforce developer is a specialist who uses Salesforce technology to create customized apps, workflows, and integrations that are tailored to a company’s or organization’s particular requirements.

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What is Data Science: A Comprehensive Overview with Example 

Data Science is the method of extracting information and insights from data using statistical and mathematical approaches. In the field of Data Science, organised and unstructured data are mined for insights and information using scientific procedures, systems, algorithms, and methods. It entails utilising a variety of tools and methods to gather, clean, process, analyse, and visualise data in order to make smart decisions.

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The Future Scope of Software Testing in India and Worldwide

With the increasing complexity of software systems and the constant need for software development, the scope of Software Testing is also expanding rapidly. This blog post will explore the Scope of Software Tester and the Scope of Software Testing, both present and future, with an emphasis on the career opportunities it provides for Software Testers.

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Java vs C++: A Comprehensive Comparison

In this blog post, we will go into greater detail on the difference between C++ and Java because While choosing a programming language, it is important to consider its syntax and readability, performance, object-oriented programming (OOP) features, memory management, development tools, platform independence, security, learning resources, job market, cost, programming paradigms, developer community and resources, and applications.

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Hashmap Vs Hashtable In Java

Developers and server designers frequently confuse Java HashMap with HashTable, but the two terms are distinct and have wide meanings. Although HashMap and HashTable share the same origin, the two have numerous differences. First, let us understand what hashmap vs hashtable in java and their implications are.

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Top Python Frameworks for Developers in 2023

One of the key reasons for Python’s popularity is the plethora of frameworks available for Python that make it easy to build and deploy applications. These frameworks provide pre-built libraries and tools that simplify common tasks, freeing up time for developers to focus on writing application-specific code.
In this post, we will take a look at the top Python frameworks for developers in 2023, based on their popularity, features, and ease of use.

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Abstract Class vs Interface In Java

Abstract classes and interfaces are two of the most important structural components of the Java programming language. This article will help you understand the difference between abstract classes and interfaces.

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Java vs C#

Java and C# continue to be two of the most popular languages used in today’s programming, with both having established niches in back-end work, cloud services, Windows client apps, big data, and other crucial areas. Although they share certain syntactic similarities, they are not the same. This guide will walk you through the features and capabilities of C# and Java and c# vs. java performance to clarify everything.

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Top Selenium Frameworks You Must Know

The Selenium Framework is a set of rules for writing code that makes it easier and faster to maintain code. If frameworks are not used, users may store “code” and “data” in the same place, which makes the code and data neither reusable nor understandable. Frameworks can have both good and bad effects. Read more to learn more.

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Is Java Developer A Good Career?

One of the careers that are expected to be in high demand in 2023 is a Java developer. Most of the world’s most influential organisations use Java to develop software systems and backend services. That is why a career in Java is lucrative in terms of safety. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the job description, java developer career path, etc.

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What Is AWS EC2 Instance?

Amazon EC2 is short for “Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.” Amazon EC2 is one of the most popular and basic services on Amazon. If you are new to AWS, it makes sense to start with EC2. AWS has 275 “instances” of EC2, each with a different CPU, RAM, storage type, and network performance. The instances are put into groups called “instance types” that are best for different kinds of computing work.

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What Is AWS Lambda

AWS, or Amazon Web Services, has more than 200 services. But AWS Lambda stands out for more than one reason. In “serverless” computing, specific tasks can be completed without managing your servers. The fully managed AWS Lambda service will take care of your entire infrastructure.

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What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk

What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) that makes it easy to deploy, run, and scale web applications and services. It is designed to be simple to use and automate many of the operational tasks that are typically required to run web applications, such as capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring.

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What is AWS IAM?

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the AWS security service that is used the most. It gives users safe and controlled access to AWS resources and services. It also helps you set up and manage AWS users and groups and gives you the permissions you need to give or deny access to AWS resources.

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Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Angular is a web development framework for both desktop and mobile applications. It is a lightweight, cross-platform platform development framework that provides powerful features for developers to create and manage web applications.

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Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Tableau is a data visualization software that allows users to create interactive, visual representations of data. Tableau is often used by businesses to gain insights into their data, and it is a popular tool for data analysts and data scientists. In this blog post, we will be discussing a Tableau interview question and answer.

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Salesforce Interview Questions And Answers

Salesforce Interview Questions And Answers 

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that enables businesses to store, manage, and analyze customer data. It helps businesses automate their sales, marketing, customer service, and other business processes. Salesforce provides a wide range of features to help businesses customize their CRM system to their individual needs, including customer segmentation, customer profiles, lead management, and analytics.

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React is a JavaScript library that was created by Facebook and is used for building user interfaces (UIs). It is a component-based library, meaning that it is composed of individual components that can be reused, combined, and nested to create complex UIs. If you’re looking for a job as a React developer, you’ll need to prepare for a range of React interview questions. In this article, we have covered some common React interview questions and answers.

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php interview questions and answers

Top 50 PHP interview questions and answers 

PHP is defined as a recursive acronym for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. It is vastly used as an open-source programming language meant for creating dynamic websites and mobile APIs as well. Here, we are listing some of the PHP interview questions and answers

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java interview questions and answers

Java Interview Questions and Answers

Many programming languages will come and go. But they can’t compete with Java. Java has long been one of the most widely used and popular programming languages among software developers. Are you looking for top-notch Java interview questions to aid you in getting your ideal Java job? You’re in the proper place now. All applicants interested in pursuing a Java career can find all they need at ProIT.

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Data Analytics Interview Questions and Answers

Data Analytics Interview Questions and Answers

Exploratory data analysis is a type of statistical test that takes a sample of data and looks for patterns in the data that may indicate an issue or problem with the sample. The most common use of exploratory analysis is to look for reasons why the samples were not statistically significant. This can be done by conducting multiple analyses or more detailed statistical tests.

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aws intervew questions and answers

AWS Interview Questions and Answers

Are you looking for high-quality AWS Interview questions to help you land your dream job in AWS? You’ve arrived at the right place. ProIT is a one-stop shop for all aspirants interested in pursuing a career in AWS. ProIT provides the best AWS training in the industry, led by the best minds.

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How To Become An IT Engineer

How to become an IT Engineer

IT Engineering deals with the built-in environment, which includes the Hardware and Software environment, as well as the application of critical services and technologies to produce the most dynamic and efficient software programs or applications for clients or organizations. In a nutshell, Software Engineering includes the webpage, the web browser, the operating system, and the feature-rich system. Design, Testing, Maintenance, Installation, Setup, and Coding are all required in the development of software programs or applications.

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python vs java

Python vs. Java

Python is an interpretative programming language with a high level of abstraction. Java is a high-level object-oriented based programming language.

Python has fewer lines of code, is faster to deploy, and has dynamic typing, whereas Java has self-memory management, is robust, and is platform agnostic.

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What To Do After B. Tech

“What am I going to do after B. Tech?” is a typical concern among engineering students and fresh graduates. Many engineering students and fresh graduates have trouble deciding what they want to do with their future. Many opportunities exist in the world that you may not be aware of. Everyone has goals and plans, and these thoughts should drive them in deciding what they want to do with their careers.

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How To Switch Your Career In IT Successfully?

Switching to an IT career is a good decision if you want to work in an area that suits your skills, talents, and interests. In the IT sector, skills and competence are essential, and one of the most appealing features of working in IT is the opportunity to choose the ideal IT job for you.

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Importance of Training and Development

As technology and organizational concepts and practices advance, Freshers and Experienced professionals must improve their skill sets, abilities, principles, and resources through training and growth.

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 IT Engineer Salary In India

An Information Technology (IT) Support Engineer keeps the company’s technological systems up to date and up and running. New difficulties and issues arise as a consequence of routine damage or new software and technology concerns, and an IT support engineer’s day-to-day activities evolve. The IT Support Engineer is also responsible for supporting other employees on the company’s software and hardware.

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The process of enhancing an employee’s knowledge and abilities so that they can execute the work at hand is known as training. The training can be in any mode. It can be a Instructor-led Training, eLearning, Hands-On Training, Coaching or Mentoring Training etc.

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Python vs Tableau

Python vs. Tableau

In several fields of software development worldwide, Python developed itself as a dynamic programming language. whereas, Tableau is a rapidly increasing data visualization tool, In the business intelligence field.

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Python vs Scala

Python vs. Scala

Big data experts have also recognized the relevance of Spark and Python for standard JVMs. There is also a general discussion about which to use for big-data projects – Scala or Python? The difference between Scala and Python can determine based on efficiency, learning curve, competitiveness, type safety, and Usability.

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Python vs Pyspark

Python vs. PySpark

PySpark is an API written for the Spark framework to use Python. As everybody knows, Spark is a computational engine that runs on big data, and Python is a language of programming.

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Python Interview Questions and Answers

Python Interview Questions and Answers

The most common programming domain skill in Python certification. In 2021, the Python interview questions were presented to you. Python Programming basics are more than 100 questions that will help you benefit as much as possible from your blog with varied expertise.

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Difference Between Python and Ruby

Python vs. Ruby

It is one of the multi-paradigm and high-level languages that is used by programmers due to its conventional features. Python has managed to dominate other programming languages such as Java, C, C++, etc. In addition to this, its object-oriented feature has made it even more accurate to deal with.

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