Front End Vs Back End Developer

Full-stack developers work on all parts of a website and know how to code for both the front and back ends. Read on to learn more about front-end vs. back-end developers,  including what is front end and back end, the difference between front end and back end, and key proficiencies required for both focuses.
Front-end vs Back-end Developer


Websites comprise two distinct components: the front end, which is the part that users see, and the back end, which is the structure that lies behind the front end and is responsible for its functionality. It can be hard to distinguish between front-end and back-end development because they both help websites work well.

Front-end writers construct a website’s visible and interactive elements, such as the colors, layout, and fonts. Back-end writers make the structure behind the scenes that make websites work well. Back-end developers have different professional skills than front-end developers and make more money.

Full-stack developers work on all parts of a website and know how to code for both the front and back ends. Read on to learn more about front-end vs. back-end developers,  including what is front end and back end, the difference between front end and back end, and key proficiencies required for both focuses.

Front-end – What Is It?

Front-end refers to anything a user can see, interact with, and have an overall positive experience. Programming or coding the sections of the website and applications that are viewable to the user is a large part of what is involved in this process. A “Front End Developer” is responsible for creating the application’s front end. The primary responsibility of a Front End Developer is to implement the User Interface and User Experience designs, which are essential to bringing a design to life.  Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other frameworks, such as Angular JS and node JS, are among the most important abilities for a Front End Developer. In addition to this, having expertise in version control systems such as GIT and GitHub adds to their stockpile of resources. In web development, a Front End Developer is an essential role because they are the ones that provide the structure that is required for work to be done practically.

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Characteristics of The Front-end

The front end has a significant number of features in addition to the extensive functional capabilities it offers.

  • Customer-side Rendering – It lets developers use JavaScript to display an entire website locally in the user’s browser.
  • Server Side Rendering – It makes it possible to render websites immediately on the user’s browser based on the modifications that the user requests.
  • Optimization – A quick loading time for consumers of websites is ensured by using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to their fullest potential.

Front-end Developer Functions and Responsibilities

The following is a list of essential roles that front-end developers play:

  • HTML defines the parts of the page.
  • Use CSS to improve their appearance.
  • Developing JavaScript’s interactivity.
  • Frameworks are utilized to increase productivity.
  • He is in charge of controlling versions, automation, managing content tools, and so on.
  • Analyses the client-side functionality of a website to learn more about how users interact with it.
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Languages for Front-End Development

  • HTML – Markup languages, such as HTML (HyperText Markup Language), are utilized in constructing web pages.One of the most widely used markup languages is HTML.  A website’s fundamental structure can be derived from the elements provided by the language. In addition to providing structure for the web pages, it is also responsible for rendering the images or visuals. It can be used with a variety of browsers and may be used with other languages are three of its many benefits. Its downsides include being static, having poor security, and having a massive amount of code.
  • CSS – The use of cascading style sheets, also known as CSS, is similar to the interior design process for a website. The portion of HTML that is rendered throughout the development process is narrated by CSS. The CSS language is straightforward and resembles standard English. It supports various browsers, is simple to use, and is quick. These are some of its features. Two of its many drawbacks are cross-browser compatibility issues and a learning curve for new users.
  • JavaScript –Front-end development’s most prevalent and widely used programming language is JavaScript.  The website benefits from its increased adaptability and reactivity as a result of this. The nature of being simple, its speed, and the ability to provide additional or expanded functionality such as dialogue boxes, forms, pop-ups, and so on are all advantages. The difficulty of debugging and lack of browser support are both disadvantages. On the other hand, Javascript is also used when it comes to the process of developing the back-end of the website.
  • Elm  – Elm is a basic programming language that enables webpages to load quickly and function well.
  • SASS – Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (or SASS for short) is a programming language similar to CSS. SASS is packed with one-of-a-kind features that make the user experience more streamlined. The possibility to reuse codes and the presence of clear codes are both advantages. Troubleshooting and compilation are both considered to be drawbacks.
  • Jquery – JQuery is a JavaScript library that improves the process of traversing HTML, handling events, and animating content. It decreases the amount of code that must be written and is very visible.

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Frameworks of Front End

  • vue.js – It is a framework that is designed around the programming language JavaScript and is utilized in the process of developing lightweight web apps.
  • AngularJS – A framework for the web that is based on JavaScript. It enhances efficiency while also supplying the HTML templates with elements that are enticing to users.
  • React – It is a well-known framework written in JavaScript that improves the User Interface components and lends a dynamic quality to online applications.

Back-end – What Is It?

The back-end development process is similar to what happens behind the scenes of a movie, television show, or, in our case, the front end. The back-end, composed of the codes that were built, analyzes the user’s actions, fetches further information, and then delivers this information back. The Back End Developer is responsible for creating the back end.

The primary responsibility of a Back End Developer is to ensure that all of the front end’s components are linked to each other and the databases. Knowledge of back-end languages like Python, Java, Ruby, and others is one of the most important talents for a Back End Developer. The other skills needed are a solid grasp of application programming interfaces (API) and database management systems (DBMS). The back end of a website or app is essential since it provides the app or website with its purpose and its functioning.

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Characteristics of The Back-end

Much like the front end, the back-end is equipped with various features designed to make the developers’ jobs easier.

  • Databases – These includes storing the information that users need.
  • Website Architecture -It means knowing the goals that need to be met to make the application.
  • Scripting – It entails structuring the framework properly.
  • API – APIs, which stand for “application programming interface,” are technologies that facilitate communication between different types of machines and give the required data.

Back-end Developer Functions and Responsibilities

Back-end developers have the following jobs and responsibilities:

  • Back-end developers must build the page’s parts and content on any web server in real time.
  • The languages PHP, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and Ruby are all helpful in developing online applications.
  • Helps the team building the website make sure that users can find answers quickly.
  • Works on program version control with tools like CVS, Git, and SVN.
  • Back End writers should know the website’s objectives and devise effective strategies.
  • Manage resources for APIs that can be utilized across several platforms.
  • A back-end developer may be responsible for designing the architecture of a system and conducting data science research.
  • Back-end developers are in charge of putting together the system’s logic, which runs on different platforms.
  • Back-end developers also have to build architecture or tools.

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Languages for Back-end Development

  • Python –Python is a preferred language for use in back-end programming.  Its advantages, which include a wide variety of libraries, simple code readability, integrations, numerous possible uses, and more, are the primary reasons for its popularity.
  • PHP – This is another language that finds extensive use in the back-end development process. Security, compatibility with several platforms, object-oriented programming capabilities, and connections with database systems are some of its characteristics.  Enroll at PHP Classes in Pune at PRO IT Academy and make your career bright here.
  • Java – Java is a computer language often used to make apps for desktop and mobile devices.  In addition to that, it provides automatic memory allocation, portability, and a compilation that only needs to be done once..
  • Ruby – Ruby is a general-purpose programming language with several valuable features, including a sizable standard library, the ability to be flexible and scalable, etc.

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Frameworks of Back-end

  • Django – The web framework operates at a high level and includes pre-installed plugins. Large-scale, data-driven, interactive online applications are where it shines the brightest. The fact that it may be customized is still another advantage. On the other hand, given that it adds characters that are optional for a project of this size, it is not advised for use.
  • Flask – Python is the programming language that is the foundation of Flask microframework’s foundation. It is ideally suited for more compact projects because it does not require any libraries or tools. Despite this, it is possible to achieve integrations to extend its work.
  • Ruby on Rails – Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built with the Ruby programming language.  These applications are created using the Rails framework.
  • It is used to build data tables that are error-free and move them from one place to another.  Compilation and testing being less complicated is a further benefit.
  • CakePHP – CakePHP is a well-known web framework that can be used with PHP. Because it is simpler to configure and offers full security, it is utilized in producing applications of all sizes, from the smallest to the most complex.
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Difference between Front-end and Back-end

Key Distinctions

  • The front end of a website or program is the portion consumers interact with. 
  • Thanks to the Graphical User Interface (GUI), users can carry out operations according to their preferences. The front end is viewable by users, who can also interact with it. Users cannot access a website’s or an application’s back-end when using it. It also processes the information and handles the application’s functionality after it has been collected from the users.
  • Developing layouts is considered the most attractive job for front-end developers, whereas reaching a functional level is regarded as the most desirable work for back-end developers. 
  • Developers working on the application’s front end should be familiar with the back end. Consequently, front-end development is about more than just appearance.  Logic, calculations, servers, application programming interfaces (APIs), and testing are at the heart of back-end development. It is necessary for the developers working on the front end and the developers working on the back end to work together, and data must be transferred using specific data formats.

The Primary Distinctions Between Front-end and Back-end Development

BasisFront EndBack End
DefinitionThe front-end development of a website cannot function alone, with the exception of static sites.    Additional Skills    
Skills Necessary    The needed skill set for the front end includes knowledge of HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, and other languages.  Python, Ruby, Java, and PHP are just a few languages that are part of the basic skill set for back-end programming.  
IndependenceBack-end development is the process of implementing a web application’s functions efficiently. These functions may include the management of servers and databases, among other things.        Back-end development is independent of front-end development.    
AimThe purpose of front-end development is to ensure that anybody can use the program and that it maintains its responsiveness regardless of the platform on which it is being seen, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.    The objective of creating the back end is to guarantee that the application will function correctly in each of the specified use cases, scale well, and accomplish its tasks quickly and with a minimum of lag.    
Team for Development    The front-end development team’s job is to create and build the app’s look based on what the user says, then test it.    The back-end development team’s job is to help the front-end link pages together, give protection, and help users.    
Used Frameworks  AngularJS, React, vue.js, etc.Django, Flask, CakePHP, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, etc.
Additional skills    A good grasp of planning for both UI and UX.    Reasoning logically and fixing problems.    
Average SalaryAn annual income of 523200 INR is considered the norm for a Front End Developer.    A Back End Developer is estimated to make roughly 748610 INR annually as remuneration for their work.      

Full Stack Web Development

It refers to the process of developing the web application as a whole, including both the front-end and the back-end sections. Those involved in the development process’s front and back ends are referred to as “Full Stack Web Developers.” Their talents and abilities allow them to create an entire application from scratch, including the front and back ends, the database, and the debugging process.

An annual compensation of 650000 INR is the norm for a full-stack developer.

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The Bottom Line

Back-end vs. front-end developers are different because they work on other parts of a website. Front-end development is a code that focuses on how a website or app looks and how a user will interact with it. They are both essential parts of building sites, which use them to make them valuable and pleasant. If you want to be a web developer but are still determining which part you like best, a full-stack developer is a good choice because they get the best of both worlds. So, if you want the best front-end and back-end classes, ProIT Academy is the best place to go.

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