What Is Data Hiding?
It’s a technique for hiding data or information behind computer code in object-oriented programming (OOP).Internal object features, such as data members, are buried within a class. It maintains object integrity while making sure that only individuals in the class have limited access to the data. Combining functions and data into a single unit is the method of data hiding, which hides data inside a class by blocking direct access from outside the class. If you’re interested in learning more about data science and are new to the field, check out our selection of courses from reputable universities.
What is Data Hiding in Python?
In object-oriented programming (OOP), data hiding is a technique used to conceal an object’s and function’s specifics. Put another way, data hiding is the practice of separating the client from the application’s implementation. Modules in Python are sufficient to understand how to use a particular program correctly, but they do not allow users to discover how the application internally operates or what processes are running within it. Therefore, data concealing is the most crucial element since it provides security and discourages dependence. Information concealing or encapsulation is another term for data concealing.
Data concealing prevents unwanted entry from other classes in the program, which aids computer programmers in creating classes with distinct data sets and functionalities. As an OOP software development technique, it guarantees exclusive access to the data and guards against intentional or inadvertent changes. These few interdependencies between software components contribute to the program’s increased robustness and decrease in system complexity.
Data hiding is a technique in Python that prevents methods and variables from being directly accessible from outside the class in which they are initialized. Data hiding of important member functions improves security by keeping the end user from understanding how the program is constructed. Using data hiding reduces program complexity by doing away with interdependencies.
In Python, data concealing is accomplished by designating class members as private and prefixing the member name with a double underscore (__).

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The following is the syntax in Python for hiding data:
In essence, data hiding is the act of removing data from a program in order to ensure security. It is an idea from object-oriented programming that incorporates elements such as Data members.
Python’s data concealing feature imports all class members and prevents unauthorized changes by preventing object integrity from being entered.
After all the interdependencies of the software’s needs are implemented, it reduces complexity while simultaneously boosting robustness.
Another name for it is information concealment. where the isolation procedure takes place following the project’s requirements.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Data Hiding in Python
Advantages of Data Hiding
- The class’s objects are isolated from unrelated information.
- It strengthens the defenses against hackers who can’t get access to private information.
- It prevents programmers from unintentionally connecting to erroneous data. Programmers that integrate this data into their code will only receive an error that indicates where the error needs to be fixed.
- It separates objects as the fundamental idea of OOP.
- By keeping volatile data private, it helps to avoid damage to it.
- The data is not accessible to a user who is not connected to the organization.
- Access within the organization/system is restricted to designated users only. Better operation is made possible by this.
- Occasionally, the class objects might also become detached from the unnecessary data stream.
Disadvantages of Data Hiding
- The programmer may occasionally be forced to employ additional coding.
- The objects function more quickly when there is a link between the visible and invisible data, but this connectivity is prevented by data concealing.
- A programmer may find it more difficult to create effects on hidden data and may need to write extensive routines in order to do so.
- The items operate relatively slowly; occasionally, programmers must write lengthy codes, even if they may be concealed from the clientele. Because of this, programs that are procedure-based tend to be faster than those that are object-oriented.

Examples of Data Hiding in Python
To gain a better understanding of the issue of data hiding in Python, let’s look at a few instances.
Example 1
In the example below, you can see that we are able to obtain the login credentials from within the class. We have only passed the Self method credenza, as you can see. We must use the Self in order to get access to the instance variables. The username and password are the instance variables in this case, and we wish to get their values. You can click the provided link to learn more about the self keyword:
class Authentication:
# Private members
__username = ‘scaleracad’
__password = ‘scaler@a’
def creden(self):
print(f”Username: {self.__username}”)
p = Authentication()
Username: scaleracad
Note: An error will be raised if we attempt to access a private member of a class from outside of the class.
Let’s examine it together.
class Authentication:
# Private members
__username = ‘scaleracad’
__password = ‘scaler@a’
def creden(self):
print(f”Username: {self.__username}”)
p = Authentication()
print(f”Username: {p.__username}”) # Accessing from outside of the class
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “c:\Users\me\test.py”, line 12, in <module>
print(f”Username: {p.__username}”) # Getting in from outside the classroom
AttributeError: ‘Authentication’ object has no attribute ‘__username’

Example 2
To gain access to the class’s private members, we can utilize the following methods:
syntax: objectName._className.__attrName.
class Authentication:
# Private members
__username = ‘scaleracad’
__password = ‘scaler@a’
def creden(self):
print(f”Username: {self.__username}”)
print(f”Password: {self.__password}”)
p = Authentication()
Example 3
The code below illustrates that the password is a protected attribute and the username is a private attribute.
class Authentication:
__username = ‘scaleracad’ # Private member
_password = ‘scaler@a’ # Protected member
def creden(self):
print(f”Username: {self.__username}”)
print(f”Password: {self._password}”)
p = Authentication()
Username: scaleracad
Password: scaler@a
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Merits of Data Hiding
- Preventing unauthorized usage of our data will be beneficial.
- After the object has been implemented and used in class, it is disconnected.
- Objects originate from object-oriented programming languages and are particularly useful.
- It will improve our data’s security.
Demerits of Data Hiding
- The primary drawback is that writing extensive code is necessary for data security, which increases the execution time of code.
- Objects are typically linked or not linked in order to achieve rapid results, however the linkage will be lost as a result of the data concealing idea.
Features of Data Hiding
- The idea of “data hiding” in Java refers to enclosing data inside a class and utilizing access modifiers to limit access to certain components.
- An object-oriented programming (OOP) approach called “data hiding” is used to conceal internal object features, or data members.
- Data concealing preserves and protects object integrity by thwarting intentional or inadvertent alterations and invasions. It also ensures that only members of the class have exclusive access to data.
- Java’s data hiding is essential to creating software that is secure and resilient. Through data encapsulation and limiting access to necessary elements within classes, developers can provide a strong basis for code integrity and maintainability.
- Programmers can carefully limit the visibility of class members by using access modifiers like private, protected, and public, which reduces unintentional interference and adds to the overall elegance of Java application architecture.
As Java develops further, developing a solid understanding of data hiding principles is still necessary to create software that is reliable and flexible.
Final Words
When it comes to security and privacy, data concealing is crucial, especially within applications. It is vital to the defense against unwanted access. Despite certain disadvantages, they can be outweighed by its advantages.
- Data hiding is a technique used by object-oriented programming (OOP) to hide an object’s purpose and its details.
- Data hiding is the most crucial element since it provides security and discourages dependence.
- In Python, we must use double underscore() before the variable name if we wish to hide any variables.
- If we try to access a private class member from outside the class, an error will be raised.
- Data hiding aids in preventing damage to volatile data by keeping information concealed from the general public.
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