What is Data Science: A Comprehensive Overview with Example
Data Science is the method of extracting information and insights from data using statistical and mathematical approaches. In the field of Data Science, organised and unstructured data are mined for insights and information using scientific procedures, systems, algorithms, and methods. It entails utilising a variety of tools and methods to gather, clean, process, analyse, and visualise data in order to make smart decisions.
The Future Scope of Software Testing in India and Worldwide
With the increasing complexity of software systems and the constant need for software development, the scope of Software Testing is also expanding rapidly. This blog post will explore the Scope of Software Tester and the Scope of Software Testing, both present and future, with an emphasis on the career opportunities it provides for Software Testers.
The Ultimate Guide to Ansible, Chef, and Puppet: Understanding the Differences
In this blog post, we will delve into the world of configuration management and automation, examining three of the industry’s most popular tools: Ansible, Chef, and Puppet. The world of IT infrastructure automation is always changing, and as the demand for automation grows, so does the need for efficient and effective technologies.
Top Selenium Frameworks You Must Know
The Selenium Framework is a set of rules for writing code that makes it easier and faster to maintain code. If frameworks are not used, users may store “code” and “data” in the same place, which makes the code and data neither reusable nor understandable. Frameworks can have both good and bad effects. Read more to learn more.
What Is AWS EC2 Instance?
Amazon EC2 is short for “Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.” Amazon EC2 is one of the most popular and basic services on Amazon. If you are new to AWS, it makes sense to start with EC2. AWS has 275 “instances” of EC2, each with a different CPU, RAM, storage type, and network performance. The instances are put into groups called “instance types” that are best for different kinds of computing work.
What Is AWS Lambda
AWS, or Amazon Web Services, has more than 200 services. But AWS Lambda stands out for more than one reason. In “serverless” computing, specific tasks can be completed without managing your servers. The fully managed AWS Lambda service will take care of your entire infrastructure.
What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) that makes it easy to deploy, run, and scale web applications and services. It is designed to be simple to use and automate many of the operational tasks that are typically required to run web applications, such as capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring.
What is AWS IAM?
Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the AWS security service that is used the most. It gives users safe and controlled access to AWS resources and services. It also helps you set up and manage AWS users and groups and gives you the permissions you need to give or deny access to AWS resources.
Angular Interview Questions and Answers
Angular is a web development framework for both desktop and mobile applications. It is a lightweight, cross-platform platform development framework that provides powerful features for developers to create and manage web applications.
Tableau Interview Questions and Answers
Tableau is a data visualization software that allows users to create interactive, visual representations of data. Tableau is often used by businesses to gain insights into their data, and it is a popular tool for data analysts and data scientists. In this blog post, we will be discussing a Tableau interview question and answer.